Linnaeus medalist and Rudbeck medalists nominated

The Rudbeck Medal on the left is awarded "for extraordinarily outstanding scientific achievement". The Linnaeus Medal on the right is awarded for "extraordinarily outstanding scientific achievement".

The Rudbeck Medal on the left is awarded "for extraordinarily outstanding scientific achievement". The Linnaeus Medal on the right is awarded for "extraordinarily outstanding scientific achievement".

This year, the Rudbeck Medal is awarded to Professors Lena Claesson-Welsh, Emily Holmes, and Wang Yi, while the Linnaeus Medal is awarded to Professor Lars Lind.

The Linnaeus Medal

Uppsala University's Linnaeus Medal was awarded for the first time on the 300th anniversary of Carl Linnaeus' birth, 23 May 2007. The gold medal is conferred "in the first instance, for extraordinarily outstanding scientific achievement, especially in the Linnaean subject areas or fields related to Linnaeus’ memory".

The Linnaeus Medal has been awarded to Lars Lind in 2022. Here's how the justification reads:

Lars Lind is a Professor of Medicine at the Department of Medical Sciences. The chair is the same one that Carl Linnaeus first held before he changed professorship with his colleague Rosén. Professor Lind is rewarded for his epidemiological research based on large population studies such as PIVUS, POEM and EpiHealth as well as his contribution to the national public health survey project SCAPIS. His studies of the importance of genetics in the development of cardiovascular and metabolic disease have been of paramount importance.

The Rudbeck Medal

Uppsala University's Rudbeck Medal was awarded for the first time in 2003. The medal was established the year before on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of Olof Rudbeck the Elder's death. It is awarded "for extraordinarily outstanding scientific achievement and is primarily for such merits or results gained at Uppsala University".

For 2022, the Rudbeck Medal has been awarded to Professors Lena Claesson-Welsh, Emily Holmes, and Wang Yi, all at Uppsala University. Here's how the justifications read:

Lena Claesson-Welsh is a Professor of Medical Biochemistry at the Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology. She is rewarded for her research in vascular biology with significance for health and disease, especially on how molecular transport across vascular walls and into surrounding tissue is regulated in various organs. Professor Claesson-Welsh's discoveries on how blood vessels are generated through stimulation of the so-called Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) have proven to be important for the understanding and treatment of various pathological conditions.

Visual perceptions

Emily Holmes is a Professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychology. In her research, she has broken new ground by linking cognitive research on visual perceptions, "mental imagery", to clinical research on the effects of emotional trauma. Professor Holmes has shown, among other things, that visualization has a greater effect on emotional trauma than verbalizations – the traditional medium of psychological treatment – which has inspired new revolutionary treatment methods.

Wang Yi is a Professor of Computer Technology in the Department of Information Technology. He is being rewarded for his scientific work that allows for the safe interaction of computer systems with the physical world. Professor Wang employs a wide range of approaches in which he develops theories, techniques and tools that ensure that computer calculations are completed when required to perform the necessary physical action. His work has changed our theoretical understanding of these challenges by setting new limits on how efficiently computer systems can meet their physical deadlines. He has also developed the practical implementations of these theories by creating tools that are widely used both in educational contexts and by industry.

The medals will be presented at an awards ceremony on the University's "birthday" on 7 October.

Linda Koffmar

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