Uppsala-Minnesota, 40th anniversary exchange programme

Anna Singer, Stig Strömholm and Eric Bylander at the colloquium in the Faculty room, Juridicum, Uppsala

Anna Singer, Stig Strömholm and Eric Bylander at the colloquium in the Faculty room, Juridicum, Uppsala

In 1982-83, the Faculty of Law at Uppsala University and the University of Minnesota Law School began a continuing lively exchange programme. The 40th anniversary, which will be celebrated throughout this academic year, was recently launched with a colloquium on site at both locations and remotely.

The exchange programme between the Faculty of Law in Uppsala and the University of Minnesota Law School in its 40th year, is one of the world’s oldest and most well-established of its kind.

The teachers’ exchange programme began in 1982 and the students exchange programme in 1983. With a few exceptions, the exchanges of both teachers and students have taken place annually. Around 30 teachers from each university have participated in the exchange programme, some on repeated occasions. More than 400 students have participated thus far.

On September 19, the anniversary year officially began with a joint colloquium on-site at both locations and remotely. Deans Anna Singer, Uppsala, and Garry W. Jenkins, Minnesota, welcomed the participants. Professor Robert A. Stein, who was dean of the University of Minnesota Law School at the start of the exchange programme, outlined its 40-year history. Uppsala University's former Vice-Chancellor, Professor Emeritus Stig Strömholm, told about his experiences as the first in the line of exchange professors.

The more recent past was treated by Professor Prentiss Cox and Associate Professor Bruno Debaenst who participated in the teacher exchange in Uppsala and Minneapolis respectively, as recently as last spring. The opening colloquium concluded with shorter accounts from several additional former participants. The colloquium was moderated by Professor Eric Bylander, Uppsala, who, together with Professor Stein, is the main responsible for the anniversary celebration.

The 40th anniversary celebration focuses on teaching, study and social and cultural exchange. The Faculty of Law's yearbook de lege 2023 will cover the exchange programme and its anniversary. In addition, the anniversary celebration will include, among other things, another seminar, exhibitions and opportunities for organized return visits.


Maria Cicilaki

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