Five researchers at Uppsala University among the most cited
Five researchers from Uppsala University are on Clarivate’s “Highly Cited Researchers” list, which covers the most cited researchers worldwide.
The list is based on analyses of citation data from Web of Science. When researchers refer to one another’s work, this provides an indication of who has written the scholarly articles deemed most significant and useful. The analysis has identified the researchers who are among the most cited (top 1%) in natural sciences, social sciences and humanities over the period 2011–2021.
Swedish higher education institutions have 65 researchers on the list. Five of them are employed at Uppsala University:
Dan I. Andersson, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology
Zhihan Lyu, Department of Game Design
Mia Wadelius, Department of Medical Sciences
Lars Wallentin, Department of Medical Sciences and Uppsala Clinical Research Center (UCR)
Anders Hagfeldt, Vice-Chancellor of Uppsala University, is also on the list. He has previously conducted research in physical chemistry, most recently at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL).
In all, 6,938 researchers from 69 countries worldwide are listed. The United States has the largest number of researchers on the list (2,764), followed by China (1,169) and the United Kingdom (579).
Åsa Malmberg