Award to best LLM thesis in Public International Law 2022
The board of the Swedish Institute for International Law (SIFIR) recently decided to award Hanna Aftonfalk for the best LLM thesis in Public International Law during 2022.
With the thesis “Of course, but maybe: the absolute prohibition of refoulement and threats to national security and public safety - Legal and practical effects of undesirable but unreturnable refugees”, Hanna Aftonfalk recently received the Student Thesis Prize of 2022 in SIFIR’s yearly student thesis competition in Public International Law.
A serious human rights criminal is excluded from the status as refugee under the Refugee Convention, but cannot be repatriated under international human rights law, due to the risk of being subject to serious human rights crimes. A dilemma arises for the state in which the person resides; how should this dilemma be resolved? Hanna Aftonfalk answers this current, complex and pressing question, in her exceptionally well written, analytically high class, well structured and with literature and other material well substantiated master’s thesis, in a realistic and humanistic spirit.
Supervisor: Professor Inger Österdahl
Maria Cicilaki