Family member perspectives in digital health care

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This is an important issue, since the number of elderly people in society is increasing, which may mean that care will more widely move into the home. Photo: Getty Images

Digitisation and new technology create fantastic opportunities for family members to contribute to caring for their close relatives – but how can we overcome the barriers that bar the way? This is the topic of a seminar at Almedalen, led by Professor Maria Tenje, Director of MedTech Science & Innovation.

The seminar “Family member perspectives in digital health care” is organised by MedTech Science & Innovation at Uppsala University.

“Research at our centre has shown that close relatives of elderly people have great difficulty helping in their care because so many of the systems that are used are digital,” says Maria Tenje.

This is an important issue, since the number of elderly people in society is increasing, which may mean that care will more widely move into the home. If so, digital systems will be required that make it easier for family members to help with tests and reporting.

A panel of family members, care professionals, researchers and digital systems developers will participate in the seminar.

“We want to show decision-makers and politicians how important it is to collaborate on this to find solutions, because solutions are available if we take advantage of the research that is being done.”

Annica Hulth

Seminar at Almedalen

Family member perspectives in digital health care: challenges and opportunities of new medical technology
Organiser: Medtech Science and Innovation Centre (MTSI), Uppsala University
Time: 26 June 2024, 16:00–17:00
Venue: B Building, Uppsala University, Main entrance Cramérgatan 3

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