New University recruitment focuses on competence – not subject


In order to attract the very best researchers to the Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University has launched a different kind of recruitment campaign. Without specifying subjects or scientific fields, the University is looking to employ tomorrow’s research leaders and teachers of high international class for 10 positions as associate senior lecturers.

In order to attract the very best researchers to the Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University has launched a different kind of recruitment campaign. Without specifying subjects or scientific fields, the University is looking to employ tomorrow’s research leaders and teachers of high international class for 10 positions as associate senior lecturers.

“We want to recruit the best researchers we possibly can. This time we are focusing on finding truly strong competence rather than competence in a particular field”, explains Hans Ellegren, Professor of Evolutionary Biology and Vice-Dean of research at the Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University.

The recruitment will be one of the first of its kind at Uppsala University. The 10 positions as associate senior lecturers are currently being advertised both in Sweden and internationally.

To qualify for the positions the applicants should have a PhD or equivalent academic competence in mathematics, computer sciences, physics, technological sciences, chemistry, biology or earth sciences. When choosing among those who have applied for the positions, great importance will be given to both scientific and pedagogic skills, and development potential.

“Hopefully this will attract people to join our research environments. We are looking for young rising stars who have already come a short way in their careers. This time we don’t care which research fields these people will be active in – the important thing is to strengthen the quality of research at the faculty without preconditions. It is a way of being a little strategic without pointing towards a particular area as being strategic”, says Professor Hans Ellegren.

The initiative is a complement to the ordinary recruitment of researchers and teachers in particular subject areas, which is still the predominant route to employment at the faculty.

For more information, please contact Hans Ellegren, tel. +46 (0)70 425 06 37, e-mail


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