Erasmus+ Capacity building project launch EVENT


In competition with a large number of other academic institutions, Uppsala University has been given the task of coordinating the project EVENT, European and Vietnamese Collaboration on Graduate Employment). EVENT is an Erasmus+ Capacity Building project that focuses on Vietnam through EU funding.

Capacity Building for Higher Education within Erasmus+ aims to support the modernisation, accessibility and internationalisation of higher education in countries outside of Europe. Uppsala University has participated in the programme since its launch in 2014 and coordinates a Capacity Building project in collaboration with South Africa.

EVENT is a structural project designed to affect change on higher education systems on a national level in Vietnam, and counts the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training as one of its partners. Event has a budget of about a million Euro and will run for three years. EVENT’s EU partners are: KTH Royal Institute of Technology, the University of Groningen in The Netherlands and Universidad de Valencia in Spain. The Vietnamese partners are The Ministry of Education and Training, The Institute of Labour Studies and Social Affairs along with 5 Vietnamese universities.

The aim of EVENT is to collaborate towards solutions to the high unemployment rates of university graduates in Vietnam through a series of measures created by leading experts from each partner university.

“ It is extremely gratifying that our project proposal has been selected for funding by the European Commission. Capacity Building provides a wonderful opportunity to strengthen ties within, and outside, Europe. Through EVENT we build on a pre-existing collaboration with our U4 partner, University of Groningen, while creating new collaborations with new partners. Through the Uppsala University Regional Office in Hanoi and in collaboration with Vietnamese government institutions, EVENT provides the opportunity for a positive impact on employability of university graduates, which is a global concern ” , says Uppsala University's Vice-chancellor Eva Åkesson.

For further information on EVENT or Uppsala University’s participation in Erasmus+ Capacity Building for Higher Education, please contact:

Oddný Sverrisdóttir, project coordinator at the International Office at the Division of Student Affairs and Academic Registry, Uppsala University, +46-18-471 40 08, +46 70 425 01 70

Philipp Baur, project coordinator at the International Office at the Division of Student Affairs and Academic Registry, Uppsala University,

