Application process now open for Uppsala Health Summit journalist grants for Summit on global cancer care, 14-15 June 2018.


Uppsala Health Summit offers four travel grants for journalists to join the summit at Uppsala Castle, Sweden, in June on the theme: Care for Cancer.

The grants are offered to enable journalists to develop their understanding of the dilemmas of the cancer care of today and solutions for tomorrow.

Uppsala Health Summit is an annual international arena for frank and challenging dialogue between 200 personally invited decision-makers, opinion builders and experts on how we can use knowledge from research and innovations for better health and healthcare globally. Delegates come from policy making, healthcare, industry, civil society and academia.

Media plays an important role in sharing an informed and nuanced understanding of societal dilemmas and their solutions. Yet too few journalists have the possibility to build in-depth insights of the global health challenges and dilemmas of today. Uppsala Health Summit is an opportunity for journalists who want to meet with a variety of stakeholders with different perspectives on the problem in focus and with broad insights in the health policy agenda, to contribute to constructive debate in society.

Travel grants are offered to four journalists, amounting to approximately 10 000 SEK each (approx. 1 100 EUR), covering costs for travel and accommodation.

The travel grant will be offered without any obligations to report from the Summit, and grantees will be selected by a committee with long-standing experience from science and media relations.

Information on how to apply is available on Uppsala Health Summit’s website ( Last day for applications is 18 March 2018.

The Summit in June 2018 – Care for Cancer

Today there are more opportunities than ever to survive and even recover from cancer, thanks to scientific breakthroughs and better treatment options. But the growing global incidence and prevalence put high demands on healthcare governance and prioritization. How can we pave the way for more equitable access to diagnosis and treatment? These questions will be at the heart of the discussions at Uppsala Health Summit 2018 on the theme Care for Cancer.

Among the confirmed speakers we find Professor Max Parkin, Nuffield Dept. of Population Health, Oxford University, and Gregory C. Simon J.D., President of the Biden Cancer Initiative, and Dr. Susan Galbraith, Head of Oncology at AstraZeneca, who will discuss the global epidemiologic outlook, and the needs to respond with focused research strategies.

WHO’s Assistant Director General for Drug Access, Vaccines and Pharmaceuticals, Dr. Mariângela Simão, Professor Arnie Purushotham, Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai and Thomas B. Cueni, Director General, International Federation of Pharmaceuticals and Associations will join the Summit for a discussion on how to meet the unequal access to diagnostics and treatments globally.

The full program is available here:

The Summit takes place at Uppsala Castle, Sweden, located in Uppsala, 30 minutes north of Stockholm Arlanda International Airport.

Uppsala Health Summit is a collaboration led by Uppsala University, including the Swedish University of Agricultural Science, Uppsala Region, the Medical Products Agency, the National Veterinary Institute, the National Food Agency, Uppsala Monitoring Centre, the Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare – Forte, the Childhood Cancer Foundation, the City of Uppsala and the network Worldclass Uppsala.

Themes of previous summits:
• Healthcare for healthy ageing (2014)
• A world without antibiotics (2015)
• Ending childhood obesity (2016)
• Tackling Infectious Disease Threats – Prevent, Detect, Respond with a One Health Approach (2017)

For more information on travel grants for media, please contact: Anneli Waara, press secretary Uppsala University, tel +46 (0)18 471 19 74

For more information on Uppsala Health Summit, please contact:
Madeleine Neil, project manager Uppsala Health Summit, tel +46 (0)18 471 19 37,

