BioVis will move back to Rudbeck

The BioVis nodes for Light Microscopy, Flow Cytometry and Image Analysis, currently in the MTC building, will be moving finally back to Rudbeck Lab, where also our node for Electron Microscopy resides. This move will be done successively and will be finished beginning August 2017. We aim to keep BioVis open during that time and retain accessibility for users during the move. The 2 Photon for deep tissue imaging and Intravital Microscopy will be not affected by the move and stays in our premise in the MTC building. We are looking forward to this move as we need more space and wished to be better embedded in an infrastructure which includes not only administration but research environment. The latter is highly important to drive forward our development regarding techniques and skills. All users of BioVis will have access to the facility again, but you will need to renew your cards. We will let you know more as we approach the moving date. We will celebrate this move in September 2017. Dirk Pacholsky, Head of BioVis

