Navet SciLifeLab Uppsala

Photo: Mikael Wallerstedt

Part of a national research infrastructure

Clinical Genomics Uppsala is one of seven nodes of the national Clinical Genomics platform at SciLifeLab (Science for Life Laboratory), a national center for molecular biosciences.


Logos of collaborators

Photo: Malin Melin

Clinical integration

Our laboratories are integrated within Uppsala University Hospital at the sections for Clinical Genetics, Clinical Pathology and Clinical Microbiology. This close collaboration with the hospital ensures the clinical utility of our work.

Map showing Genomic Medicine Centers

GMS has seven Genomic Medicine Centers

Genomic Medicine Sweden

Genomic Medicine Sweden (GMS) was founded in 2017 as a national infrastructure for the implementation and development of precision medicine in Sweden. Clinical Genomics Uppsala is part of one of the seven Genomic Medicine Centres that make up GMS.

Genomic Medicine Sweden


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