
Photo: Mikael Wallerstedt
Tailored services at Clinical Genomics Uppsala
Clinical Genomics Uppsala provides services within next generation sequencing (NGS) and other molecular technologies. We take on projects that include development of methods for clinical use or translational research with strong clinical utility. We provide bioinformatics support and clinical interpretation of variants, and tailor projects depending on the needs of the user.
From project design to publication
1. Project design
Clinical Genomics Uppsala offers individual project meetings, free of charge, to discuss the optimal design for your project. You can easily contact us with any quesitons or request a meeting in our order portal.
2. Ordering
When the project design is ready you may submit your project description in our order portal. The project setup and available resources to perform the project will then be evaluated. For accepted projects, we will prepare an agreement with quotation, and you will be able to submit your samples.
3. Performance
When the samples arrive, they will go through a quality check to make sure they reach the quality standard necessary for analysis. Once the samples pass quality check, they will be analyzed according to your order.
4. Data delivery
The yield and quality of the data is monitored using various QC steps to make sure the data delivered meet our high standards. The data is subsequently made available to you through our ftp-server.
5. Publishing
We are happy to provide you with information on the lab procedures and data processing for the Materials & Methods section for your manuscript. Please remember to mention Clinical Genomics Uppsala in the acknowledgements of your manuscript and notify us when the paper has been submitted and/or accepted.