Current Project: The research project A school for equity in education
Four legal scholars at the law faculty at Uppsala university have been granted funding (from the Swedish Research Council) for a four year research project with the title A school for equity in education. The overall aim of the project is to analyze the legal system concerning education in light of the legislator’s ambition to achieve equity in the education. The main question is whether the system is designed in such a way that it in fact realizes, has the ability to realize – or in fact hinders – the providing of an education of the highest attainable standard, regardless of who the school provider (public or private) is, geographic location or other factors, to all pupils.
The project consists of four parts:
► Shared responsibilities and obligations – a multilayer system
► Access to compensation and support as a right
►Procedural issues concerning access to support
►Supervision and quality review as tools for providing equity in education