Women's Work in Early Modern Europe

The conference "Womens Work in Early Modern Europe" took place at Jesus College, Cambridge, on September 23-24 2010. It was very generously funded by The British Academy, the Economic History Society, and the Ellen McArthur and Trevelyan Funds of the Cambridge University History Faculty.

Environment picture from Cambridge


Amy Erickson, Cambridge Group for Population History
E-mail: ale25@cam.ac.uk
Maria Ågren, Department of History, Uppsala
E-mail: maria.agren@hist.uu.se

Programme Thursday 23 September

9:30 - 11 am
Defining work: unpaid work, self-employment and paid work
Introduction: Maria Ågren (Uppsala) & Amy Erickson (Cambridge)

Papers and minutes of the discussion on Defining work (pdf) Pdf, 203 kB.

PowerPoint on Defining work, by Ågren (pdf) Pdf, 385 kB.

11:30 – 1 pm
Work and the household: life cycle and marital status
Introduction: Heide Wunder (Kassel) & Jane Whittle (Exeter)
Chair: Anne Laurence (Open University)

Papers and minutes of the discussion on Work and household (pdf) Pdf, 311 kB.

2 – 3:30 pm
Training and knowledge transfer
Introduction: Kirsi Vainio-Korhonen (Turku) & Judith Spicksley (York)
Chair: Jan Lindegren (Uppsala)

Papers and minutes of the discussion on Training and knowledge transfer (pdf) Pdf, 333 kB.

PowerPoint on Training and knowledge transfer, by Spicksley (pdf) Pdf, 122 kB.

4 – 5:30 pm
Skill and remuneration
Introduction: Pam Sharpe (Tasmania) & Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk (Leiden)
Chair: Tony Wrigley (Cambridge)

Papers and minutes of the discussion on Skill and renumeration (pdf) Pdf, 113 kB.

Programme Friday 24 September

9 – 10:30 am
Models of economic development: productivity growth v capabilities approach
Introduction: Erik Lindberg (Uppsala) & Sheilagh Ogilvie (Cambridge)
Chair: Jane Humphries (Oxford)

Papers and minutes of the discussion on Models of economic development (pdf) Pdf, 339 kB.

11 – 12:30 pm
Legal regulation: civic and gild control
Introduction: Dag Lindström (Linkoping) & Anna Bellavitis (Rouen)
Chair: Heide Wunder

Papers and minutes of the discussion on Legal regulation (pdf) Pdf, 340 kB.

1:30 – 3 pm
Classification systems: IISG's HISCO, CamPop's PST, standardised descriptions
Introduction: Rosemarie Fiebranz (Uppsala), Jacob Field (Cambridge) & Ariadne Schmidt (Amsterdam)
Chair: Leigh Shaw Taylor

Papers and minutes of the discussion on Classification systems (pdf) Pdf, 269 kB.

PowerPoint on Standardised descriptions, by Fiebranz (pdf) Pdf, 407 kB.

PowerPoint on the PST system, by Field (pdf) Pdf, 698 kB.

PowerPoint on a classification system, by Schmidt (pdf) Pdf, 1 MB.

Taxonomy of labour relations, by Schmidt (pdf) Pdf, 272 kB.

3 - 4 pm
Review of Issues

Papers and minutes of the discussion on the review of issues (pdf) Pdf, 198 kB.


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