PhD student Klara Kiselman attended the Quantsol summer school

The Quantsol summer school 2022 took place the first week of September in Hirschegg, Austria, organized by Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie, Ilmenau University of Technology and The European Society for Quantum Solar Energy Conversion. A broad topic: “Photovoltaics and New Concepts of Quantum Solar Energy Conversion” resulted in a mixture of lectures ranging from Semiconductor Basics to Solar Energy on the Terawatt scale covering all possible technologies to harvest solar energy. Practical sessions with optoelectrical simulations were also included in the program.

Not to be forgotten is the stunning surroundings of the school. I believe part of the reasons the environment was so relaxed and open-minded was the view, the clear air and the hiking we did. Is there really any better place to discuss research projects than in nice weather on a hike up and down a 2210m high mountain? I doubt it.

For me, Quantsol was a perfect way to kick off my PhD-studies. I gained a lot of insight in solar cell research, gathered a lot of inspiration and especially enjoyed the wide range of topics in the program. Discussions with other participants and the lecturers gave me new insights in my own project and I now have a network of people working on similar things who I can turn to with my questions. I am very thankful for the opportunity to participate in this well-organized school with so many bright people. Judging from all of them, the future of PV is bright! 

Klara Kiselman

