PhD student Klara went to a HI-SCORE conference
From the 6th to the 9th of February Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin and Weizmann institute organised a conference on Perspectives for research on solar energy conversion - From the viewpoints of Israeli and Berlin/Brandenburg scientists as a part of the network project HI-SCORE. HI-SCORE is a research school for PhD-students in Israeli universities and at HZB.
Ellen Moons, my co-supervisor, was invited to chair a session. I was invited to have a poster, titled “Towards Photoluminescence as a Characterisation Method for Long-Term Stability of Thin Film Solar Cells”. The talks ranged from solar-water splitting to outdoor testing of solar cells, emphasising Perovskite Solar Cells. The scientific level was high, and the discussions provided much inspiration and motivation. I am very grateful I was invited to participate and experience such a good conference (and some Israeli winter sun!).
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Klara Kiselman
PhD Student - SOLVE
Division of Solar Cell Technology
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Uppsala University