Bioinformatic services

UGC staff beside a terminal computer window

Our basic bioinformatic services include basecalling, base modification calling, and barcode splitting. After sequencing, we perform a quality control to make sure that the delivered data meet our standards.

Secondary analyses can be offered for a fee, depending on the aim of the project.

Additional bioinformatic services

Based on a standardized cost model, we offer additional bioinformatic analyses after sequencing completion. These include:

  • Variant detection based on a provided reference sequence from PacBio sequencing.
  • IPA and hifiasm de novo assembly and phasing of PacBio genomic data.

For delivery of data we collaborate with SciLifeLab Data Centre. Data is delivered securely to our users with the SciLifeLab DataDeliverySystem (DDS).

When a sequencing project is ready for delivery, NGI registers a new delivery project with SciLifeLab DDS. The principal investigator (PI) of the sequencing project will be assigned as the PI of the delivery project. The PI and/or additional group members will be assigned as the project owners with download and project administrative rights. Through the DDS cli or web interface, the projet owners can administer the delivery project and add or remove members, as well as handle data within the project. For the complete DDS user guide, please visit the data centre github pages.

Data analysis can then be performed using the UPPMAX compute clusters. For more information about UPPMAX and how to set up a project for data analysis, please visit the UPPMAX webpage.

Uppmax staff beside computer racks, blue lights.

