Outcome of Riksbankens Jubileumsfond

Riksbankens Jubileumsfond has approved research funding for four forms of support in the humanities and social sciences. The outcome was positive for Uppsala University, as it will receive around a quarter of the allocated funds.

In October 2023, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (RJ) approved the allocation of research funding in the following areas of support:

  • projects
  • sabbaticals
  • programmes
  • Flexit.

In total, RJ will support 76 projects via funding in the four different forms of support, with Uppsala University serving as fund manager for 14 of the projects. Expressed in SEK, the 14 projects combined have been granted approximately SEK 75 million, which is equivalent to around a quarter of the funds (approximately SEK 300 million) allocated by RJ on this occasion.

The largest fund allocation is in the ‘programme’ form of support, which funds large research groups for six to eight years. Uppsala University has been allocated programme support of around SEK 36 million. Mikael Carlsson at the Department of Economics is the recipient, with his programme ‘Makroekonomi och högdimensionell heterogenitet på mikronivån’ (Macroeconomics and high-dimensional heterogeneity at micro level).

Anders Berndt

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