Precisionsdiagnostik och hälsoekonomi vid bröstcancer
- Date: 7 October 2024, 12:15–13:00
- Location: University Hospital, Hedstrandsalen, entrance 70
- Type: Seminar
- Lecturer: Inna Feldman, Docent of Health Economics, Uppsala University and Lotte Moens, Molecular Biologist, PhD, Clinical Pathology, Uppsala University Hospital and Clinical Genomics Uppsala, SciLifeLab, Uppsala University.
- Web page
- Organiser: Uppsala University and Uppsala University Hospital
- Contact person: Therese Fagerqvist
- Phone: 072–999 97 38
(“Precision diagnostics and health economics in breast cancer”)
Welcome to a lunchtime seminar in Swedish on exciting advances in breast cancer research taking place right here in Uppsala.
To provide patients with precision medicine in cancer diagnoses, among many other things, both precision diagnostics and clear health-economic benefits are needed. We will highlight successful examples of this in breast cancer in this seminar.
The lectures are held in Swedish.
Kostnadseffektivitet av PRS – bröstcancerscreening: Resultat från BRIGHT (Be Right with Breast Cancer Screening), pilotstudie i Uppsala
(“Cost-effectiveness of PRS – breast cancer screening: Results from BRIGHT (Be Right with Breast Cancer Screening), a pilot study in Uppsala”)
Inna Feldman, Docent of Health Economics, Uppsala University.
Precisionsmedicin vid bröstcancer: GMS560
(“Precision medicine in breast cancer: GMS560”)
Lotte Moens, Molecular Biologist, PhD, Clinical Pathology, Uppsala University Hospital and Clinical Genomics Uppsala, SciLifeLab, Uppsala University.