Lunch seminar for Verification for collaboration (VFS)
- Date: 21 October 2022, 12:00–13:00
- Location: Zoom
- Type: Seminar
- Lecturer: Collaboration Managers from the UU Innovation Partnership Office (UU Samverkan) will tell you how you can apply for VFS funding (Verifiering för Samverkan or Verification for Collaboration in English).
- Web page
- Organiser: UU Samverkan
- Contact person: Harris Stamatopoulos
VFS offers an opportunity for the University's researchers and organisations from different sectors in society to develop collaboration around a challenge of common interest. Within the framework of VFS, a project can receive funding by up to 300 000 SEK.
Welcom to a digital lunch seminar (in English) about the VFS funding, Friday 21 October, 12.00-13.00.