Teaching portfolio, step 3: Feedback on your portfolio
- Date: 30 January 2024, 13:15–15:00
- Location: Ångström Laboratory, 106130, Gustav de Laval
- Type: Workshop
- Web page
- Organiser: TUR - teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakultetens universitetspedagogiska råd
- Contact person: Stefan Pålsson
A teaching portfolio, or pedagogical portfolio, is a compilation of your teaching qualifications. The portfolio is used for appointments of staff and promotions, as a way of assessing the pedagogical competence. This is the third step of support when you write your teaching portfolio. In this workshop you will get concrete feedback on your own portfolio. To take part in the workshop you must send in a draft portfolio, see below. You will get specific feedback on your own text in smaller groups, and also more general feedback aimed at all participants. The workshop will be given in English.
Sign up: You sign up by submitting your draft teaching portfolio. Send it to Pia Westerlund, pia.westerlund@uu.se no later than January 23. In the email, indicate which position that you intend to use the portfolio for, e.g., appointment as docent or promotion to associate professor. You should also let us know if you intend to participate on site or on Zoom.
TUR’s three-part “Teaching portfolio” series toward an effective portfolio:
Part 1: General information about structure and content of a teaching portfolio.
Part 2: Help to link your portfolio to the relevant criteria for teaching expertise used in the appointment process.
Part 3: Workshop where you get feedback on your own portfolio (see above).
Note: This seminar will focus on appointments and promotions, but not the Distinguished teacher ("Excellent lärare") promotion. There is a special seminar series for those of you planning to apply for promotion to Distinguished teacher.
Stefan Pålsson & Marcus Lundberg (TUR