Processing of Personal Data for ITS Wiki

ITS Wiki is an internal documentation platform for operations-related documentation at the Division for University IT Services at Uppsala University.

Information Regarding the Processing of Personal Data: When creating a user account and when logging in to and using ITS Wiki, personal data is being processed. Processing is carried out in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The personal data being processed is the following:

  • display name (first and last name)
  • department number
  • e-mail address
  • unique identifier from Joint Web Login at Uppsala University

The purpose of the processing is solely to be able to create your user account and to maintain its information (based on current information) to allow you to use the service. No personal data is disclosed to any third party. No personal data is transferred to any third country.

Controller of personal data, and Service Provider, is:

Uppsala University
Box 256
SE-751 05
Uppsala, Sweden

Contact: Gunnar Herlitz

Jurisdiction of the Service Provider: Sweden

The controller of personal data is liable to, upon request from an applicant, provide a transcript of personal data records for that applicant. The controller of personal data is also liable to, upon request from an applicant, rectify incorrect, incomplete or misleading personal data for that applicant.

