Theology as Museology - Curating an Afterlife for Theology and the Creative Potential of Heritage
- Date: 12 December 2023, 15:15–17:00
- Location: Observatory Park
- Type: Workshop
- Organiser: Research network Heritage transformations and Centre for Integrated Research on Culture and Society (CIRCUS)
- Contact person: Johanna Larsson
The research network Heritage Transformation invite you to a guest lecture and workshop with Dan Siedell

This workshop will consist of two parts. In the first part Dan Siedell (visiting researcher at the Stockholm School of Theology) will introduce his project, “Exhibiting God: The Curatorial as a Theological Method,” which is interested less in what theology is or has been but what it could be, and he pursue this question through a curatorial experiment. He will introduce parallels between how he conceive of art and theology as creative practices. The second part consist of a round table-discussion. First, Dan Siedell would like to hear from you about what theology means to you or what comes to mind. Also, what concepts might you might work with that you consider to betheological? Second, Dan Siedell would like to discuss how heritage studies might contribute to his project and also, perhaps, how his work might contribute to thinking about heritage as a creative resource, perhaps a way of using heritagization orheritaging in ways that might release new ways to work with theological concepts.