Open seminar with Forte
- Date: 18 December 2023, 13:30–15:00
- Location: Blåsenhus, Betty Pettersson-salen
- Type: Seminar
- Organiser: Research support at Medfarm and Humsam
- Contact person: Carin Marciszko
Forte funds research in the areas of working life, social and public health. Are you curious about Forte as a funder or are you wondering whether your research is suitable for Forte? Join us to hear Forte present its mission and focus areas, and to hear researchers at the University present their research connected to Forte. There will be plenty of room for questions to Forte!
Register for the seminar before 17 December
- Introduction: Moderator Joakim Palme
- Forte presents its mission, focus areas and funding opportunities
- Time for questions to Forte
- Presentations by researchers
- Ulrika Winblad, professor, Department of public health and caring sciences
- Peter Fredriksson, professor, Department of economics
- Lisa Ekselius, professor, Center for women’s mental health, WOMHER
- Siv-Britt Björktomta, senior lecturer, Department of social work
- Time for questions