The Swedish Cancer Society's webinar about upcoming calls
The Swedish Cancer Society invites you to two webinars with the aim of presenting this year's calls for proposals.
The Swedish Cancer Society invites you to two webinars with representatives of the Society's Research Committee on February 12 at 12:00 and on March 6 at 15:00. The webinars will be held in English and the information will be the same on both occasions. You are welcome to register for one of these.
The webinars are intended to present this year's calls within projects, planning groups and the special call for projects within clinical treatment studies, and to answer any questions.
The webinars are primarily aimed at those of you who are interested in applying for grants from the Swedish Cancer Society, but also for those of you who work at, for example, the Grants office and support researchers with their applications.
You are welcome to send your questions in advance to, but you can also ask them directly at the webinar.
The Swedish Cancer Society's call for proposals for projects, planning groups and the special call for clinical treatment studies in cancer opens on March 6 and closes on April 25.