KoF24, the university´s research evaluation

Uppsala University's self-initiated research evaluations are called Quality and Renewal (Q&R, or KoF in Swedish). Three previous university-wide research evaluations has been carried out at the university. In December 2022, the vice-chancellor decided on the fourth evaluation Q&R24.
Quality and Renewal 2024 (Q&R24)
Q&R24 Pdf, 82 kB. is a coherent research evaluation at Uppsala University, although it will be carried out in two parts:
- two common themes for the university - research infrastructure and multi and interdisciplinary research
- disciplinary domain-/faculty-driven evaluations of research and research environments
Q&R24 highlights, strengths, weaknesses, needs and development areas regarding the university's work with research infrastructure and interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research.
The panels report on research infrastructures:
Support in connection with KoF24
The information about support material is aimed at officers at the faculty offices, who work on planning for each part of KoF24. The information is therefore only available in Swedish.
Go directly to the disciplinary domain/faculty for information about KoF24:
Earlier research evaluations
As the first university in Sweden Uppsala University conducted self-initiated university-wide research evaluations with peer review in 2007.
Quality and Renewal 2007 (Q&R07) was followed four years later by Quality and Renewal 2011 (Q&R11). These two research evaluations focused on research results and persued largely similar methods and purposes. Quality and Renewal 2017 (Q&R17) focused to a greater extent on the conditions promoting quality and processes conducive to good research.
For questions or information about the research evaluations Quality and Renewal please contact Camilla Maandi, Åsa Kettis or Anders Waxell