Submit the application
Who approves and submits your application?
In most cases, it is the Head of Department who approves the application and you, as a researcher, who submit it. Check the call text and the funder's application portal well before the deadline, and make sure that you are authorized to submit the application and whether any additional documents need to be signed by the Head of Department.
Some particular funders and calls require the application to be submitted centrally by the University. This applies for example to so-called organizational applications to the Swedish Research Council (e.g., graduate schools, visiting professorships and research infrastructure) and applications to federal American funders.
Others require that the application or a letter of support is signed by the vice-rector or the Vice-Chancellor before the researcher can submit (e.g., Vinnova's Competence Center and the majority of Wallenberg calls). Contact Research Support well before the deadline to get help with this.
The Prisma application system
Applications to several of Sweden's largest governmental funders are submitted via the application system Prisma. The Swedish Research Council, Formas, Forte, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, the School Research Institute and the Swedish Space Agency all use this system. You as a researcher can both apply for grants and manage your granted grants in Prisma. It is also via Prisma that you as a financial administrator handle approved grants.
All types of requests are made in Prisma, e.g.:
- Extension of disposition time
- Change of project manager
- Change of fund manager
- Terminate the grant early
- Change of residence
Personal account
If you do not have a personal account in Prisma, you should create one well in advance before your application is due. This is especially important as some calls require you to enter both your CV and your publications into the system, which can take some time. Once you have filled in your personal details, CV and publications, the information stays in the system for future applications.
Please note that all co-applicants must create their own Prisma accounts.
To create an account, go to Prisma's page and select "Skapa personkonto". You need to activate your account by following the instructions you receive in the activation email from Prisma.
Prisma's own user support is responsible for all technical support. On Prisma's website there are also descriptions of how to, for example, fill in an application or carry out your review tasks (if you are a member of a review group).
If you have questions about Prisma, contact Research Support or Uppsala University's organizational account manager in Prisma, Margareta Uvhagen Antoni.