Locally announced calls
Here you can find information about foundations and calls for applications that are handled by the Disciplinary Domain for Medicine and Pharmacy. The calls are generally announced by e-mail in the indicated month. Always check the announcement for the application deadline.
- Gustaf Prims Reumatikerstiftelse – announcement in i February
- Familjen Ernfors' fund (diabetes) – announcement in February
- Anna Cederberg's foundation (travel) – announcement in March
- Zetterling's foundation (medical science) – announcement in March
- Olav Thon's foundation (Nordic projects in medicine) – announcement in April
- Viking Olov Björk (applied biomaterial research) – announcement in August
- Selander's foundation (cancer, cardiovascular disease – announcement in September
- Torsten and Ragnar Söderberg's foundation at UU (oncological endocrinology ) – announcement in September
- Märta Lundqvist's foundation (clinical research) – announcement in November
- Lennander's foundation (new PhDs) – announcement in November
- Linné foundation (young researchers) – announcement in November
Uppsala University scholarships
Uppsala Univeristy also has a number of scholarships that can be found on the UU web. Examples of foundations of interest for Medfarm are:
- Selma Andersson
- EoR Börjeson
- GA Johansson
- Marcus Borgströms stiftelse
- K och OF Hedströms stiftelse
- Medicinska fakultetens i Uppsala stiftelse för psykiatrisk och neurologisk forskning
- Olga Jönsson
- Jubelfeststip, med fak
- Jubelfeststip, farm fak
- Agnes och Mac Rudberg
- Swartz
- Thuréus för geriatrisk forskning