KAW project grant

The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (KAW) primarily funds research projects in the natural sciences, technology and medicine. The project group should consist of two to five researchers.

The foundation supports projects of high scientific potential. The projects should constitue basic science and be focused on a coherent scientific question where the complementary competences of the participating researchers provide greater opportunities to address the research question. A normal project has a budget of between SEK 15 and 40 million with a duration of three to five years.

The foundation prioritizes projects in new research areas and research that is interdisciplinary, in which Swedish researchers take an international leading position. A project must have a freestanding objective and not only constitute additional funding to ongoing projects.

Always check the funder's website for eligibility criteria and detailed instructions.

Current call

There is currently no open call. When the Foundation opens a new call for proposals, this page will be updated with more information about the internal nomination process at Uppsala University.

When Uppsala University is co-applicant

Researchers at Uppsala University who are co-applicants in an application with another university should notify Research Support (see contact persons below). The reason is that prioritization groups at the University require an overall view of all applications in which Uppsala University is participating.

