How to start up your funded EU-project
When starting up a funded EU project, there are both internal and external processes that you need to consider. It is important that you contact Research Support at your faculty office to get guidance. These steps depend on your role in the project, if you are the coordinator of the project or if you are a participant in a project that is coordinated by another organization.
Detailed information about how to start up EU-projects can be found in the online manual of the EU-portal Funding & Tender Opportunities.

Step 1 - EU-portal and roles in the project
The project is administrated in the EU-portal Funding & Tender Opportunies. By clicking on Actions and then Manage Consortium, you can add LSIGN, FSIGN, coordinator contacts (if Uppsala University coordinates the project) or participant contacts (if Uppsala University is participant in a project, coordinated by another organization). Contact Research Support at your faculty office if you need help with this step.
Step 2 - Approval from Head of Department and bank account
The Head of Department approves the funded project by signing a form. You will receive the form by email from Research Support. If Uppsala University coordinates the project your contact at the research support will also add a bank account for the project in the EU-portal.
Step 3 - Digital appoval
LSIGN approves Uppsala University’s participation in the project and signs Declaration of Honour, Grant Agreement (if Uppsala University is coordinator) and Accession to Grant Agreement (if Uppsala University is participant). The Vice-Rector for the relevant disciplinary domain is the LSIGN. The signing of these documents is done in the EU-portal, given that the Head of Department has signed the form for approval of EU-funded research projects. FSIGN approves Financial Statements.
Step 4 - Preparation of Grant Agreement
If Uppsala University coordinates the project, you need to follow the instructions for the preparation of the Grant Agreement. You will obtain the instructions from the project officer at the European Commission. You can also find the instructions in the EU-portal under Process communications and Manage Project. If Uppsala University is participating partner in the project, the coordinator of the project will be in charge of preparing the Grant Agreement. You will then get instructions from the coordinator on how to contribute to the Grant Agreement.
Step 5 - Consortium Agreement
Projects that include a consortium also need a consortium agreement. The consortium agreement regulates how results, background information, publication, IP rights, etc. will be handled during and after the project period. Research Support will help you with this if Uppsala University coordinates the project. If Uppsala University is a partner in the project, the coordinator is in charge of the consortium agreement. In that case, you need to inform your contact at Research Support when you obtain the consortium agreement, to ensure that the agreement will be reviewed by the Legal Affairs Division and signed by the Vice-Rector of the relevant disciplinary domain.
Are you planning to apply for more funds from the EU?