Report back on Results and the Horizon Result Platform

Compared with Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe has sharpened the requirements on reporting on Results. This includes the requirement that the project parties shall present the European Commission with an exploitation and publication plan already at the prposal stage, which shall be kept up to date during the project. In case a project party does not exploit its Results (see above on Exploitation of Results) within a year from project end, the Result is to be declared on the Horizon Results Platform. This to attract stakeholders who may themselves be interested in exploiting the Result.

To consider in regard of report back and Horizon Result Platform:With the obligations to report on Results, we foresee that the university must be able to give an account of the ownership of the Results. The department will need to keep track of who owns a certain Result and observe the procedures for transfer following from the funding terms and the consortium agreement in cases of transfer of ownership. It is regardless important to clarify whose responsibility it is to declare Results on the Horizon Results Platform, in case such declaration is needed.

