Decision on funding for equal opportunities projects

Illustration showing human silhouettes in various colours and shapes.

Three projects receive funding to develop equal opportunities projects at Uppsala University. Illustration: Getty Images.

Five applications were received in the annual call for equal opportunities funding, three of which will receive funding following a decision by the Vice-Chancellor.

Every year there is a call for funding for projects in the area of equal opportunities, for which employees and students can apply. Applications received are considered by the Advisory Board for Equal Opportunities and a decision is taken by the Vice-Chancellor.

In the call autumn 2024, just over SEK 100,000 will be allocated to the following projects. Two of the projects are student initiatives and one project is connected with the University Library equal opportunities work.

Fempsyk pratar

Feminist Psychology Students Uppsala (Fempsyk) will receive funding to organise seminars and subsequent discussion groups during spring 2025–spring 2026. Femspyk pratar (Fempsyk talking) will use educational and social approaches to create conditions for increased focus on and implementation of equal opportunities among psychology students and future psychologists.

Contact person: Isabelle Ravelojaona, Chair, Feminist Psychology Students Uppsala

Active bystander training for staff at the University Library

The University Library will receive funding to implement active bystander training for staff to promote diversity and create a safer and more inclusive work environment at the library. By training staff to be active bystanders, they will gain the tools and knowledge to intervene in cases of inappropriate behaviour, harassment and bullying.

Contact person: Nina Svensson, Head of Library Services Division

Workshop: Equal opportunities and everyday racism

The University Library will receive funding to engage an external lecturer for a half-day of lectures on anti-racism and everyday racism in the workplace, and to organise workshops for all employees, including staff at Campus Gotland. The aim is for the project to contribute to new ways of thinking that lead to increased anti-racist behaviour, which will not only benefit the working environment but also ultimately the treatment of library users.

Contact person: Ellie Kihlström, Assistant Librarian

Combating anti-Muslim racism at Uppsala University: An initiative for an inclusive study environment

Uppsala Muslim Students will receive funding to organise an educational weekend for students and a lecture in the University Main Building. The educational weekend will be about working towards a more equal and discrimination-free Sweden and acquiring tools to manage the challenges raised by anti-Muslim racism. The course will consist of external lecturers who will lecture on anti-Muslim racism, leadership and communication, as well as how to develop and strengthen voluntary organisations. The lecture for staff and students aims to raise awareness of Islamophobia and its impact on society and academia.

Contact person: Mahmoud Alshahel, Deputy Chair, Uppsala Muslim Students

Anders Berndt

