Disciplinary Domain delegations - teknat

Disciplinary Domain delegations

Matters of a broad scope or that involve matters of principle should be referred to the Disciplinary Domain Board for a decision to be taken at a meeting. The Disciplinary Domain Board delegates its tasks until further notice as below.

Managers for centres with their own staff employed have delegation that corresponds to that of a head of department. Where it is relevant with regard to the centre's mission, the delegations below applies for center formations (with its own employed staff), its manager and its center board in the same way as for a department, its head of department and its department board.

Type of matter

Delegated to

Urgent matters where a decision cannot wait for the next meeting of the Disciplinary Domain Board

Working Committee

Teaching positions, promotion matters

Appointing search group for the appointment of professors

Working Committee, on the recommendation of the Section Dean

Appointing search group for the appointment of associate professors or assistant professors

Department Board

Decision on appointment profile for associate professor, assistant professor or lecturer (subject area/work duties, qualifications, assessment criteria, equality measures)

Working Committee, on the recommendation of the Department Board

Deciding to initiate recruitment of an associate professor, assistant professor, adjunct associate professor, lecturer, adjunct lecturer, adjunct professor or visiting professor (including externally funded appointments)

Working Committee, on the recommendation of the Department Board

Decision about advertising (when, where, how) and renewed advertising of vacancy for associate professor, assistant professor or lecturer

Head of Department

Submitting proposal to the Vice-Chancellor for individual to fill an advertised post as professor

Working Committee, on the recommendation of the Recruitment Committee

Submitting proposal to the Vice-Chancellor for appointing an adjunct professor

Working Committee, on the recommendation of the Recruitment Committee

Decision to appoint a visiting professor for a period shorter than six months

Working Committee, on the recommendation of the Head of Department

Submitting proposal to the Vice-Chancellor for the appointment of a visiting professor for six months or longer

Working Committee, on the recommendation of the Head of Department

Submitting proposal to the head of department for the appointment of an associate professor, assistant professor or adjunct associate professor

Recruitment Committee

Submitting proposal to the Vice-Chancellor for the appointment of a professor instead of an associate professor

Working Committee, on the recommendation of the Recruitment Committee

Submitting proposal to the Vice-Chancellor for the discontinuation of a recruitment procedure for a professor

Working Committee

Discontinuing a recruitment procedure for an associate professor, assistant professor, adjunct assistant professor, lecturer or adjunct lecturer

Head of Department, following


approval by the Working Committee

Appointing two subject representatives (of which one is rapporteur) as members of the Recruitment Committee for each individual matter concerning appointment as professor, associate professor or assistant professor, as well as promotion to associate professor or professor

Working Committee, on the

recommendation of the Section Dean (where there is conflict of interest, proposal by Head of Department)

Appointing experts and special experts to advise on the appointment of professors, adjunct professors or visiting professors

Working Committee, on the recommendation of the Section Dean

Appointing experts and special experts to advise on the appointment of associate professors, assistant professors or adjunct associate professors

Section Dean, on the recommendation of the Head of Department

Appointing experts and special experts to advise on the appointment of lecturers or adjunct lecturers

Head of Department

Appointing experts for applications for promotion to professor

Working Committee, on the recommendation of the Section Dean

Appointing experts for applications for promotion to associate professor

Section Dean, on the recommendation of the Head of Department

Submitting proposal to the Vice-Chancellor for promoting an associate professor to professor

Working Committee, on the recommendation of the Recruitment Committee

Deciding on the promotion of an assistant professor to associate professor

Working Committee, on the recommendation of the Recruitment Committee

Submitting proposal to the Head of Department regarding the promotion of a lecturer to associate professor

Recruitment Committee

Approving/rejecting an application for partial retirement for a professor


Appointing the Recruitment Committee’s presidium incl. alternate member(s)

Working Committee

First- and second-cycle educational matters

Admission to later stages of the Bachelor’s and Master’s engineering programmes

Programme director, after preparation by study counsellor

Admission to later stages of programmes other than the

Bachelor’s and Master’s engineering programmes

Senior faculty administrator, following preparation by programme director

Syllabus for new course or joint course, as well as changes in, and/or responsibility for, level of course

Relevant educational board

Policy/action plan for follow-up, course evaluation, study counselling, increased completion rates, etc.

Educational boards. Guidelines and financial frameworks decided by the Disciplinary Domain Board

Revision of syllabi for freestanding courses

Senior faculty administrator, on the recommendation of the department responsible for the course

Revision of syllabi for programme-wide courses as agreed by the programme boards

Senior faculty administrator, on the recommendation of the programme board

Revision of syllabi, other

Relevant programme board

Revision of programme syllabi, including study plans

Relevant educational board

Leave from study, non-completion

Study counsellor

Credit transfers, substitution of course etc. for Swedish courses in the Bachelor’s and Master’s level engineering programmes

Programme director

Credit transfers, substitution of course etc. for foreign courses in the Bachelor’s and Master’s level engineering programmes

Graduation Office, on the recommendation of the programme director

Appointment of examiner (for offered courses)

Relevant educational board, on the recommendation of the department responsible for the course

Appointment of examiner (for non-offered courses)

Head of Department (appointed from among examiners appointed for that academic year)

Decision on nomination of exchange students for university-wide exchange agreements

Study counsellor with responsibility for university-wide exchange agreements

Doctoral educational matters

Admitting doctoral student funded through full-time employment at Uppsala University

Head of Department

Admitting doctoral student

- with scholarship funding or admission of a doctoral student with funding within EU projects or other projects of a

“similar nature”

- with SIDA funding via the International Science Programme

- with the aim of finishing with a licentiate degree

- with part-time employment

- with employment at other universities, authorities or industry (industrial doctoral student)

- with joint education at doctoral level, i.e. an education that is planned and carried out by two or more higher education institutions in close cooperation

- with other employment who plans to carry out the doctoral education within the framework of their regular employment at the university

- whose eligibility is partly or entirely based on ch. 7 § 39 item 3 HF, and the applicant refers to knowledge acquired in other ways (outside academy)

Working Committee, following preparatory work by the Doctoral

Education Board

Preparation of agreement for joint education

Chair Doctoral Education Board

Appointing supervisors

Head of Department

Establishing subject-specific parts of general study plans

Doctoral Education Board

Responsibility for quality of doctoral education, including linguistic quality

Professor responsible for doctoral education

Grading licentiate theses

Professor responsible for doctoral education (can be delegated further)

Responsibility for introduction to doctoral education

Head of Department, with potential delegation to director of doctoral education

Preparation of admission matters

Head of Department, with potential delegation to director of doctoral education

Responsibility for development of individual study plans ahead of admitting doctoral students

Principal supervisor, in consultation with professor responsible for doctoral education

Establishing individual study plan before admission

Head of Department

Ensuring follow-up of revised individual study plans

Professor responsible for doctoral education (can be delegated to assistant professor responsible for


doctoral education by written delegation)

Establishing individual study plan (in case of revision with significant differences)

Head of Department

Establishing individual study plan (in case of revision without significant differences)

Professor responsible for doctoral education (can be delegated to assistant professor responsible for doctoral education by written delegation)

Coordination of the department’s range of courses

Director of doctoral education

Credit transfers, previous education

Professor responsible for doctoral education

Extension of funding for doctoral students due to parental leave, positions of trust, etc.

Administrative Director

Information provided to professors responsible for doctoral education

Doctoral Education Board

Range of faculty-wide doctoral courses

Doctoral Education Board

Appointing examiners for doctoral courses

Head of Department

Appointing examining committee, chair and opponent/external reviewer for thesis defence

Section Dean, on the recommendation of the professor responsible for doctoral education

Digital participation of the opponent/external reviewer and/or members of a thesis defence examining committee

Section Dean, on the recommendation of the professor responsible for doctoral education.

Appointing external examiner for licentiate seminar

Professor responsible for doctoral education, in consultation with principal supervisor

Decide on suspension of admission to a doctoral subject

Working Committee, after proposal from the Doctoral Education Board

Other doctoral education matters

Working Committee

Funding allocation/finances

Decisions regarding fees in accordance with special appraisals in appointment and promotion matters

Administrative Director

Decisions on matters of an administrative nature regarding costs up to SEK 25,000

Administrative Director

Decisions on the use of funds at the disposal of the section deans (section funds)

Section Dean

Decisions on balance-sheet appropriations (for organisational unit 100)

Working Committee

Decisions on appropriations of retained funds (for organisational unit 100)

Working Committee, unless otherwise specified in the operational plan

Decisions on the faculty’s funding of premises projects


Decisions on the allocation/use of reserved funds in accordance with the operational plan

Working Committee, unless otherwise specified in the operational plan

Decisions on applications for funds from the Vice-Chancellor’s strategic funds

Working Committee

Decisions on co-funding of the Vice-Chancellor’s strategic funds

Working Committee

Decisions on final allocation of funding for first- and secondcycle education as tasked

Working Committee


Appointing professor responsible for research programme

Working Committee, on the recommendation of the Head of Department

Appointing professor responsible for doctoral education

Working Committee, on the recommendation of the Section Dean

Decisions on delegation from professor responsible for doctoral education to assistant professor responsible for doctoral education

Working Committee, on the recommendation of the Section Dean

Appointing assistant programme director (except when a department is responsible for the programme)

Working Committee, on the recommendation of N or T

Appointing faculty and industry representatives to programme boards (except when a department is responsible for the programme)

Working Committee, on the recommendation of N or T

Appointing members through by-elections (to the Scholarships

Committee, Docentship Committee, Board for Granting

Distinguished University Teacher Status, educational boards)

Working Committee

Decision on revised instructions for a centre established by the Disciplinary Domain Board

Working Committee

Other matters

Submitting an opinion on applications for docent status

Professor responsible for doctoral education

Appointing experts for granting of docent status

Section Dean, on the recommendation of the professor responsible for doctoral education

Granting docent status

Docentship Committee

Submitting an opinion on teaching expertise in application for distinguished university teacher status

Head of Department

Appointing experts for granting of distinguished university teacher status

Board for Granting Distinguished University Teacher Status

Granting distinguished university teacher status

Board for Granting Distinguished University Teacher Status

Scholarship matters

Scholarships Committee

Appointing/nominating members to bodies and committees

Working Committee

Appointing award boards and deciding on the allocation of funding from certain foundations and funds according to particular delegation decisions

Working Committee

Appointing members to the scholarships committee of the Esseen foundation for academic studies in the subject area of mathematics

Section Dean of the section for

Mathematics and Computer Science

Appointing members/professors to the Celsius-Linnaeus committee (one member per section, of which one also is chair)

Working Committee, on

recommendation of the Section Deans

Consultations; management procedures, appointment of consultation groups

Working Committee

Drawing up instructions for monitoring and planning during the current year

Working Committee

Decisions concerning the disciplinary domain board’s reporting to the Vice-Chancellor for the current year, operational planning for future years and the annual report for the previous year

Working Committee

Feedback to the Disciplinary Domain Board

At each meeting of the Disciplinary Domain Board, information should be given about the decisions taken by the Working Committee on the appointment of professors responsible for research programmes and professors responsible for doctoral education, as well as members of various bodies appointed by way of by-elections (see above).

