Guidelines for export control of dual-use products

Summary of the guideline

Regulation (EC) No 428/2009 is an EU common regulatory framework for the control ofexport, transfer, brokerage and transit of dual products uses. In Sweden, the regulation is supplemented by the law (2000: 1064) on the control of dual-use and off-the-shelf products technical assistance and the regulation (2000: 1217) of the same name. With dual-use products are referred to as “products, including software and technology, which can be used for both civil and military purposes, as well as any goods that can be used both for non-explosive purposes and to contribute in some way to the manufacture of nuclear weapons or others nuclear charges" (Article 2 of Council Regulation (EC) No 428/2009).

The regulations include both physical movement and electronic transmission of the regulated products.

Regulated dual-use products exist within Uppsala University's operations. The university is, among other things, obliged to have required permits in case the university exports, transfers, mediates or transiting such products. Because the business handles regulated products, universities must also annually declare any revenue from sales of dual-use products to the Inspection for strategic products. In order to ensure compliance with the rules, it is necessary to have firm foundation guidelines and procedures for export control at the university.

