Guidelines for salary supplements and other terms and conditions, and adjustments of wages in conjunction with promotion and new expertise
For many professional categories, the duties and areas of responsibility vary in number and degree of difficulty over time. There may also be standard duties that are temporary in their nature. Such duties will not be compensated for via salary increments but are to be considered a normal part of the employee's work. An employee's willingness to undertake and capacity to take responsibility for and perform, in relation to new duties and areas of responsibility, is to be assessed and evaluated at the regular revision of wages.
In some cases, wage increments can be obtained for a fixed period for certain duties, areas of responsibility and/or duties outside of an employee's normal work. A wage increment is always:
- temporary
- offered as compensation for duties performed and/or responsibilities that are not normally part of an employee's remit
- a form of compensation which is discontinued when the employee no longer has that assignment or carries out the duties for which the wage increment was intended.
Wage increments are divided into two groups: wage increments for special appointments and other wage increments.
The guidelines specify when and how different forms of wage increment are to be applied at Uppsala University and, in some cases, the level of the wage increment. The guidelines also contain terms and conditions for the adjustment of wages in conjunction with promotion and new expertise. The term “new expertise” here refers to admittance as an Excellent Teacher or Docent or acquisition of a Degree of Doctor.