Funds for Erasmus activities
The Division of Internationalisation announces SEK 100,000 from the Erasmus program KA131 24/26 for activities that promote activities within the Erasmus programme.
Information about the call
- The activities must have started before 30 June 2025.
- It is possible to apply for a maximum of SEK 10,000.
- The call applies to activities that promote the Erasmus programme.
- Activities that aim to promote and manage blended mobility or to organise so called Blended Intensive Programmes (BIPs) are prioritised.
- Activities that aim to promote and manage blended mobility or to organise so called Blended Intensive Programmes (BIPs) are prioritised.
What are Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP)?
Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP) are short programmes in one of the Erasmus+ countries. They combine a physical mobility with a virtual learning component. This is called blended mobility.They can be organised for student mobility or traineeships, but also staff mobility.
The aim of Blended Intensive Programmes is to encourage students with fewer possibilities to participate in mobility activities and to facilitate the process of internationalisation at home. Furthermore, BIPs use innovative learning and teaching methods, such as web-based collaboration.
More information on blended mobility and Blended Intensive Programmes can be found in Blended mobility implementation guide Pdf, 1 MB. and Higher Education Mobility Handbook Pdf, 1 MB..
Read the call in its entirety
Call for applications: Organisation of Stay (OS) funds for Erasmus+ for departments at Uppsala University to obtain incentive funding for activities directly related to the Erasmus Programme
The Division for Internationalisation is hereby announcing SEK 100,000 of funding from the Erasmus Programme KA131 24/26 for activities that promote the Erasmus Programme, for the spring semester of 2025. Funding of up to SEK 10,000 is available per application. Applications must relate to activities initiated before 30 June 2025.
Should a selection procedure become necessary, the following initiatives will be prioritised in the order outlined below
- Activities promoting and managing blended (short-term) mobility or designing Blended Intensive Programmes. Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP) are short-term, intensive programmes that use innovative learning and teaching methods, including web-based collaborative formats. The intensive programmes should provide added value compared with existing courses or programmes offered by the participating higher education institutions and may span several years. Blended intensive programmes enable new and more flexible formats that combine physical mobility with a virtual part, and they aim to include all types of students regardless of background, field of study and level of study.
- Activities stimulating greater inclusiveness within the Erasmus Programme. These may be activities targeting a specific group that is currently underrepresented within Erasmus mobility, e.g. students with a disability, students/doctoral students with children, etc. It could also refer to preparatory/follow-up partner visits aiming to learn more about how these students/doctoral students were received.
- Activities promoting environmentally friendly mobility and environmental adaptation of administrative procedures
- Activities stimulating greater doctoral student exchanges and/or teacher exchanges. Doctoral students can participate in all forms of mobility (SMS, SMP, STA, STT), so examples of activities are partner visits to follow up on opportunities for doctoral students to participate in longer student exchanges. An example of an activity is visits to foreign higher education institutions to draw up a teaching exchange agreement.
- Activities stimulating, following up on and quality-assuring Erasmus traineeships. These may be follow-up visits during/before the students’ Erasmus traineeships with the aim of ensuring the quality of their traineeship periods at the host company/organisation. It can also refer to activities for incoming Erasmus trainees.
You can apply for funding for the following
- Additional expenses that arise in connection with incoming staff/teachers (within the framework of Erasmus+ KA131 or KA171) carrying out part of their staff mobility in Uppsala and part of it in Visby. An example of an additional expense is return travel between Uppsala and Visby.
- Initiatives to highlight opportunities for exchange studies, foreign traineeships or teacher/staff mobility, e.g. trade fairs, coffee meetings on campus, study and career days (e.g. expenses related to inviting previous Erasmus alumni).
- Production and distribution of informational material related to the Erasmus exchange.
- Preparatory or welcoming activities and other types of support for people participating in Erasmus exchanges (i.e. both Erasmus students and Erasmus trainees).
- Preparations, inspections and evaluations of student and teaching/staff mobility (Erasmus studies and traineeships are both included under ‘student mobility’)
- Inviting an international coordinator from a partner institution to our University. The purpose of the visit should be to market exchange opportunities with that higher education institution to Uppsala University’s students and to discuss and evaluate the agreement.
- Foreign trips (provided that the country is not on the list of countries to which the Ministry for Foreign Affairs advises against travel):
- Visits to partner universities for inspections or evaluations of mobility activities/agreements.
- Network meetings and conferences.
Note that funding will not be granted for participation in academic conferences.
Application process
We accept applications 1 January - 15 June and 1 September - 30 November. The application must be approved by the responsible head of department. The application is sent via e-mail to
The application consists of the following parts:
- Description of activity/initiative to be carried out. Justify and describe the expected results, target group and anticipated number of participants. Also describe how you plan to follow up on the activity/initiative.
- A simple budget: a specific amount must be specified (round up to the nearest thousand SEK). Produce an estimate and round up to the nearest thousand SEK. If you are planning multiple activities which are covered by a total budget of SEK 10,000, you can apply for funding for these multiple activities in the same application. Ensure, however, that you specify for which activities you are applying for funding.
Assessment and selection:
- If a selection process is necessary, applications will be assessed by a committee consisting of Erasmus officials, project managers for the programme’s internationalisation and potentially the Head of Unit for International Mobility.
- The assessment will be based primarily on the relevance of implementing the Erasmus Programme (in line with the order of priority specified above) and how the planned activities are expected to contribute to Uppsala University’s internationalisation.
- Applications may be funded fully, partially or not at all based on the assessment of relevance and competitiveness.
- Priority in a selection situation is done primarily as above, followed by priority being given to departments that have recently launched internationalisation initiatives and/or have recently signed or plan to sign their own Erasmus agreement (i.e. have not previously had their own Erasmus agreement).
Decisions are communicated on an ongoing basis.
Report and follow-up
A short report (detailing the activity’s results) is to be submitted via e-mail to by 31 December 2025. The report may be published on the Staff Portal. Applicants may also be requested to discuss the activities they have carried out via OS funding in various forums.
For further information
How to apply
- Complete the document OS fund application (PDF) Pdf, 103 kB..
- Make sure your head of department approves the application.
- Email the completed application to
The application consists of the following parts
Motivate and describe the activity's expected results, target group and expected number of participants. Also describe how you plan to follow up the activity.
- The total amount you apply for.
- Contact information for the economist or finance administrator at the applicant department.
- A simple budget. Aspecific amount must be stated. Make an estimate and round up to the entire 1000s. If you are planning several activities and they fit within a total budget of SEK 10,000, you can apply for several activities in the same application. Just be sure that it is clear which activities you are applying for.
Specify the scheduled dates for when you plan to carry out the activity. If you are planning several activities, enter the dates of the first activity and the last activity, respectively.
Next application period
The next round of applications will be for the autumn semester of 2025.