Windows 11

All Windows computers at the university will need to be upgraded to the Windows 11 operating system. This is because Microsoft will stop updating and supporting Windows 10 in the fall of 2025.

Mandatory upgrade

Below is a schedule for when each department will carry out the mandatory upgrade. This plan may be updated.

Employees can also choose to upgrade their computer themselves via the Software Center. Here you will find the guide to upgrade your computer.

Mandatory upgrade and the option to upgrade yourself via the Software Center apply to computers managed by the University IT Services.

Before the mandatory upgrade, employees will receive notifications that appear at the bottom right of the computer screen. These will be displayed several times – over several weeks – before the mandatory upgrade is carried out.

Please note that the scheduling for when computers will be upgraded is based on which employee was the last to log in to the computer when the list was created. This means that a computer is not always scheduled according to the owner if another person from a different department has logged in to the computer.

At the end of May, computers that have not been included in the scheduled upgrade will be upgraded. For example, computers without a clear departmental affiliation.


Biology Education Centre – May 14, 11:00 AM

Buildings Division – February 12, 11:00 AM

Center for Clinical Research Dalarna – April 16, 11:00 AM

Centre for Gender Research – February 19, 11:00 AM

Centre for Multidisciplinary Research on Religion and Society (CRS) – February 19, 11:00 AM

Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies on Racism – May 14, 11:00 AM

Communications Division – February 12, 11:00 AM

Development Office – May 14, 11:00 AM

Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences – May 14, 11:00 AM

Division for central service and administration – February 12, 11:00 AM

Division for Contract Education – February 5, 11:00 AM

Division for Internationalisation – February 12, 11:00 AM

Division for Quality Enhancement – February 5, 11:00 AM

Department of ALM – February 19, 11:00 AM

Department of Archaeology and Ancient History – February 19, 11:00 AM

Department of Art History – February 26, 11:00 AM

Department of Business Studies – April 16, 11:00 AM

Department of Cell and Molecular Biology – April 23, 11:00 AM

Department of Chemistry - BMC – March 5, 11:00 AM

Department of Chemistry - Ångström Laboratory – April 2, 11:00 AM

Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering – May 14, 11:00 AM

Department of Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology – February 26, 11:00 AM

Department of Earth Sciences – March 19, 11:00 AM

Department of Economic History – May 7, 11:00 AM

Department of Economics – April 30, 11:00 AM

Department of Education – March 19, 11:00 AM

Department of Electrical Engineering – April 23, 11:00 AM

Department of English – February 19, 11:00 AM

Department of food studies, nutrition and dietetics – May 7, 11:00 AM

Department of Game Design – March 5, 11:00 AM

Department of Government – March 12, 11:00 AM

Department of History – February 19, 11:00 AM

Department of History of Science and Ideas – February 26, 11:00 AM

Department of Human Geography – May 14, 11:00 AM

Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology – April 23, 11:00 AM

Department of Informatics and Media – May 7, 11:00 AM

Department of Information Technology – March 12, 11:00 AM

Department of Law – March 12, 11:00 AM

Department of Linguistics and Philology – February 26, 11:00 AM

Department of Literature and Rhetoric – May 14, 11:00 AM

Department of Materials Science and Engineering – March 26, 11:00 AM

Department of Mathematics – April 30, 11:00 AM

Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology – March 12, 11:00 AM

Department of Medical Cell Biology – February 26, 11:00 AM

Department of Medical Sciences – April 9, 11:00 AM

Department of Medicinal Chemistry – March 5, 11:00 AM

Department of Modern Languages – February 26, 11:00 AM

Department of Musicology – March 5, 11:00 AM

Department of Organismal Biology – May 7, 11:00 AM

Department of Peace and Conflict Research – May 7, 11:00 AM

Department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences – February 19, 11:00 AM

Department of Pharmacy – February 26, 11:00 AM

Department of Philosophy – February 19, 11:00 AM

Department of Physics and Astronomy – April 16, 11:00 AM

Department of Psychology – May 14, 11:00 AM

Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences – March 19, 11:00 AM

Department of Scandinavian Languages – March 5, 11:00 AM

Department of social work – March 5, 11:00 AM

Department of Sociology – March 5, 11:00 AM

Department of Statistics – May 14, 11:00 AM

Department of Surgical Sciences – April 30, 11:00 AM

Department of Theology – March 5, 11:00 AM

Development Office – May 14, 11:00 AM

Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences – May 14, 11:00 AM

Faculty Offices – April 2, 11:00 AM

Financial Administration and Procurement Division – February 12, 11:00 AM

Gustavianum – March 5, 11:00 AM

Human Resources Division – February 5, 11:00 AM

Innovation Partnership Office – February 19, 11:00 AM

Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy (IFAU) – May 14, 11:00 AM

Institute for Housing and Urban Research – May 14, 11:00 AM

Institute for Language and Folklore – April 9, 11:00 AM

Institute for Russian and Eurasian Studies – May 7, 11:00 AM

Internal audit – February 19, 11:00 AM

International Science Programme – May 14, 11:00 AM

Legal Affairs Division – February 19, 11:00 AM

Museum of Evolution – May 7, 11:00 AM

National Centre for Knowledge on Men's Violence Against Women – May 14, 11:00 AM

Nordic Africa Institute – May 14, 11:00 AM

Office for SciLifeLab in Uppsala – May 14, 11:00 AM

Planning Division – February 12, 11:00 AM

Security and safety division – February 19, 11:00 AM

Student Affairs and Academic Registry Division – February 19, 11:00 AM

Tandem Laboratory – May 14, 11:00 AM

University Board and Chief Officers – May 14, 11:00 AM

University IT Services – April 30, 11:00 AM

University Library – April 16, 11:00 AM

UCR-Uppsala Clinical Research center – May 7, 11:00 AM

Uppsala Biobank – May 14, 11:00 AM

Uppsala University Conflicting Objectives Research Nexus (UUniCORN) – May 14, 11:00 AM

Uppsala University Culture and Heritage – February 19, 11:00 AM

Uppsala University Innovation (UU Innovation) – February 19, 11:00 AM

Campus Management Organisation

Uppsala Biomedical Centre – March 12, 11:00 AM

Campus Blåsenhus – April 16, 11:00 AM

Campus Gamla torget – May 14, 11:00 AM

Campus Lagerträdet – May 14, 11:00 AM

Campus Observatoriet – May 14, 11:00 AM

Campus Ångströmlaboratoriet – March 26, 11:00 AM

English Park Campus – February 19, 11:00 AM

The Linnaean Gardens of Uppsala – May 14, 11:00 AM

The Rudbeck Laboratory – May 14, 11:00 AM

Computers that need to be replaced

A small number of computers managed by UIT are so old that they cannot be upgraded to Windows 11. These computers will need to be replaced. UIT will contact the departments and divisions that have computers that need to be replaced. Information about purchasing new computers can be found here.

Note that computers that cannot be upgraded to Windows 11 do NOT need to be replaced by the mandatory upgrade date for each institution/department. However, it is recommended that they at the latest be replaced by the beginning of the fall semester. When Microsoft stops supporting the operating system, UIT will not be able to provide support for computers that still have Windows 10.

Questions and Answers about the Upgrade to Windows 11

Why should our computers be upgraded to Windows 11?

The upgrade to Windows 11 is primarily being carried out to maintain high security within the university’s IT environment. Our goal is to complete this transition before the summer of 2025 to ensure stability, continuity, and security in our IT systems.

Do I have to upgrade to Windows 11?

Due to security reasons and to continue having your computer managed by University IT, you need to upgrade your computer. However, there are exceptions for a few instrument computers at the university. Computers that need to use older operating systems will need to be managed separately.

Can I choose when the upgrade happens?

You can already upgrade your computer yourself via the Software Center at your convenience. Here you will find the guide for upgrading your computer.

In the spring of 2025, mandatory upgrades will be sent out to all managed computers at the university. These will be spread out over the entire spring term to ensure that UIT can support users and provide assistance during the upgrade.

As soon as possible, we hope to publish a schedule for the weeks during which the mandatory upgrades will occur for different groups of employees.

Do I need to be connected to Uppsala University's wired network to upgrade?

We recommend that you are in the university's premises and connected to the network with a cable throughout the upgrade. You can perform the upgrade from a wireless network or VPN, but it is not recommended.

How long does the upgrade take and can I use my computer while it is upgrading?

The upgrade takes between 1-2 hours to complete, sometimes more or less. You do not need to be present during this time. You will be able to use the computer for 30-60 minutes until it needs to restart, then you will get a 5-minute timer before it restarts automatically. Make sure to save everything you are working on before the computer restarts.

Do I need to back up anything on my computer before the upgrade?

You should move your important files to your home directory via your network folder in File Explorer. Here you will find a guide for that.

Research data should be stored on the storage space for research data.

I have been informed that my computer is too old to upgrade to Windows 11, what should I do?

You need to purchase a new computer and decommission your old one. If you have two computers and do not need the old one, the old one should be decommissioned.

Note that computers that cannot be upgraded to Windows 11 do NOT need to be replaced by the mandatory upgrade date for each institution/department. However, it is recommended that they at the latest be replaced by the beginning of the fall semester.

What is the difference with Windows 11?

The new operating system Windows 11 means that the appearance changes to some extent. It also includes some new features. You can read more about this on Microsoft’s support pages for Windows 11.

