Order IT package

For new employees without specific IT equipment needs, one of the standard packages from further down the page is recommended.

  1. Select IT package.
  2. Contact the head of department or equivalent financial officer for approval.
  3. Fill out the form further down the page.
  4. Tap "Submit".

We are currently experiencing delayed delivery times for IT equipment. We are working as quickly as possible to deliver your order.

IT package

Refer to the list of recommended IT equipment if you want a more detailed description of the different parts of a package, or if you want to choose IT equipment for a new employee.

Package 1

Package 2

Laptop PC with smaller screen

Laptop PC with larger screen

Monitor with docking options

Monitor with docking options

Mouse and keyboard (Swedish), with cable

Mouse and keyboard (Swedish), with cable

Order form for IT equipment (IT package)

for example "740100500"

IT package: * (mandatory)
IT package:

In the form, please enter the following information:

Headings in the form

What you need to fill in

Order reference (employee)

Name of new employee

Division, department or equivalent

Name of division, department or equivalent

Project Number

Enter the project number (from Raindance) for your department, division or equivalent.

If you do not know which project number to use, ask your manager or contact your local economy support.

Manager approving the order

Name of approving manager

IT package

Enter "Package 1" or "Package 2"


Any comments about your order, e.g. Raindance project or requested delivery date

