Identities and roles at Uppsala University

The Uppsala University authorization system can issue several types of system identities (roles). Users with different user identities will be able to access one or more IT service at the University. Each identity/roles require a unique login.

Different identities at the University

An Active Identity is someone with an active and clear connection to a faculty, but do not receive a salary from the university. Users with this kind identity have the same system status as employees.

The University authentication and authorization system (AKKA) can create an Active Identity account for persons with an active and clear connection to a department, but do not receive a salary from the university. This access account, registered by the local directory administrator where the person is engaged, has the same functions as that of an employee account.

An active identity account can give the user access to various IT services and roles in some administrative systems.

A person can be employed or otherwise working (active) at several departments.

Administrative system roles connected to the Authorization system

Administrative system roles linked to the authorization system are related to the position or activities at a department. Changes in the employment status or activities will automatically alter the system related roles.

Common IT services

The identity is linked to various IT services such as Selma and Raindance.

Add and remove employee/active identities

Your local directory administrator uploads and deletes employees/active identities. More information about the various departments is available at the University directory.

Managing the roles

System owners manage the roles in their administrative system.

Employees with a current employment contract will have an Employee Identity.

An employee identity is an account that is set up at the authentication and authorization system. The account is administrated by the local directory administrator at your department / division. The account is used to connect you to various IT services and roles in some administrative systems.

Roles in administrative systems

The roles of the administrative systems associated with the authorization system are linked to your role as an employee /working at a department / division. This role will change according to your current employment status.

Add and remove employee/active

The local directory administrator at your department uploads and deletes employees. The University directory will give you more information about the various departments.

Access to common IT services

Access to various IT services such as Selma and Raindance are linked to your employee identity.

Managing the roles

The system owner manages the roles in the administrative systems.

Employees can be employed or active at several departments and divisions.

If you have forgotten your username or password, contact

Departments or divisions at the University often need functional email addresses. Some functions require a high level of continuity. In these cases several people have access to a common email address to take care of joint email correspondence.

See Functional address for the functional email address application process.

Functional identities are also issued for equipment (e.g. printers) that needs to authenticate against a specific service, such as login, or to send and receive email. These electronic identities only expire when the department or division announces that they no longer want to use the functional identity or upon the review of the said identity. The functional identity will be closed, if no reply is received after the revision sends an email to inquire about the use of the functional email address.

Temporary visitors at Uppsala University requiring access to the system will be issued with Guest Identities.

Guests Identities are accounts created for a short time period, giving visitors access to the university network. Please note: Guests are primarily recommended to connect to the Internet using the wireless network UU-Guest, available in most offices at Uppsala University.

Creating a guest identity

Employees are able to create a personal guest identity for visitors to access the university's wireless network. A guest identity can be active for 1 to 7 days and up to five concurrent guest identities can be created. These identities are managed by the employee at

Contact IT Support if you need extended guest identities for more than five accounts, and/or more than seven days, but not more than 30 days.

If you require an account for more than 31 days, consult the head of department, who should contacts the department / division directory administrator. Visitors, who will access the Uppsala University system for longer than 31 days, will not be considered as a guest(s). They will be allocated an active account indicating their job at the respective department or division.

Create a guest identity via IT-support

IT-support can create guest accounts with user identities and passwords. The head of department, the directory administrator or IT administrator must send an e-mail request for an extended guest identity. The IT Servicedesk should authenticate the e-mail request against the persons authorized to apply for guest identities.

Request should be sent to IT Support in good time.

The email should contain the following:

  1. An appendix with a list of participants (to be comma or semicolon delimited) and contain first and last name and the organization that the guest comes from.

    First name1 last name1, Organisation1
    First name2 last name2, Organisation2
    First name3 last name3, Organisation3

    You can also use an Excel file where the data is split into separate columns.
    There must be no extra comma or semicolon in the name or organization.
  2. Start date when the account could be used.
  3. End date when the account will expire.
  4. A brief description of the case, such as the name of workshop or trade show.
  5. User identity of the employee at Uppsala University that hosts the current workshop or trade show. If it is not the head of department, the directory administrator or IT administrator who will receive the guest identity letters, it should be clarified which e-mail address should receive the letters. This information can only be sent to an Uppsala University e-mail address.

Other information

Each Uppsala University employee can create up to five guest accounts for a maximum of seven days. Guest accounts are created using the authorization system.

Students at Uppsala University require a valid Student Identity to access various IT systems and services.

Student at Uppsala University

To obtain a student identity, you must activate your student account via

Only students who are admitted to study at Uppsala University according to the Student Records system Uppdok will be able to apply for a student identity.

Student identities/accounts are automatically terminated during the third semester after the last semester the student has had a registration.

Doctoral student at departments at Uppsala University

Doctoral (PhD) students can have a student, employee or active account.

Doctoral student with student account

The student account is active if reported activity is more than 0% for the current and previous semester, and also after the reported scores at the undergraduate level.

Doctoral student with employee account

Doctoral student accounts will expire when the student(s) have been removed from the university catalog as active in the department or when the employment ends. Directory administrators are responsible for the account information.

Read more about the student account and activation.

The student organization identity works in the same way as the functional identity, but is used by student organizations

Other information

This privacy policy concerns "Uppsala University user account activation and password reset" and the processing of personal data when managing your user account at Uppsala University. In order to facilitate your user account at Uppsala University, we need to store information such as:

  • eduPersonPrincipalName: unique identifier from federated login (e.g., Joint Web Login at Uppsala University), in the case you have chosen to use this login method (called "Single SignOn" in the service)
  • eduPersonAssurance (to determine account assurance level)
  • uid (User Name)
  • Given Name
  • Surname
  • Email adress
  • norEduPersonNIN (Personal identity number)
  • employeeType (to determine account type)

Names and e-mail addresses will never be disclosed to third parties or third countries, as the service is run and supported by Uppsala University.

The controller of personal data is liable to, upon request from an applicant, provide a transcript of personal data records for that applicant. The personal data is retained until the data processing agreement expires.

Read more about how Uppsala University processes personal data, see Uppsala University’s data protection policy.


Controller of personal data and Service Provider is:
Uppsala University
Box 256
SE-751 05 Uppsala

Manager for user accounts at Uppsala University are:
Contact information for the service is

Jurisdiction of the Service Provider:
Uppsala, Sweden

The service adheres to the EU Data Protection Directive in accordance with the GÉANT Data Protection Code of Conduct.


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