Frequently asked questions about group folders

Here you will find frequently asked questions and answers about group folders.

What are group folders and how much does the service cost?

Departments, units or groups who need to share files and folders over a long periods of time can order extended storage within the same storage solution as personal folders via the extended service Data Storage. The service allows access to one or several network drives where shared, as well as extended personal, storage can be saved.

Group folders is an optional service that provides access to one or more network drives where personal or group data can be stored. Data is secured by spreading the information across multiple drives, multiple servers, and one or more protected server halls (depending on the level of service ordered).

All full-time university employees have the option of ordering group folders upon approval by their head of department (or equivalent manager). Contact your immediate manager to discuss your needs, group level and name standard, and obtain approval before placing an order.

Group folders are available in different levels. It is up to your head of department (or equivalent manager) to decide which level is appropriate for your needs.

Read more about the different levels and associated costs here

University IT Services (UIT) have migrated users from previous storage solutions to a common solution for centrally-managed group folders.

Learn how to order and get started with group folders here

Because your files are stored centrally, you can access them from anywhere via a network-connected group folder on your computer. However, the network folder requires you to be connected to the university network via a wired connection or WiFi on eduRoam, or via a VPN connection.

When the device you want to use is not connected via the university network, you need to connect via the University’s VPN service to access your group folder.

Windows users can restore files or folders using Explorer. Apple/MacOS users need to contact IT Support for assistance in recovering lost material.

To order additional storage, you will need approval from your head of department (or equivalent manager), as it is your department (or equivalent) that pays for the storage.

