Framework agreement database
Framework agreement database
Are you missing a product or service? Search the database. You need to be logged in.
I avtalsdatabasen finns ett antal huvudkategorier (med undergrupper), där du kan söka efter alla ramavtal som finns vid Uppsala universitet.
The framework agreement database has a number of main categories (with subgroups), where you can search for all framework agreements at Uppsala University.
- Books and magazines
- Catering and fruit
- Financial administration
- Infrastructure and premises
- IT
- Office supplies
- Lab chemicals, equipment, consumables and others
- Premises management
- Marketing and communication
- Furniture
- Human resources, HR
- Travel, conferences and hotels
- Language services
- Telephony
- Ordering goods and services and being able to find out who has ordered:
- Purchase support
- Procurement and direct procurement
- Procurement support
- Legal department