Checklist - to keep in mind for the spring semester 2025
We have put together a checklist for you, which we hope will be helpful to remember everything that needs to be arranged for the spring semester 2025.

Important dates
- From 21 December: Swedish students and current international students may register for their courses: current students, welcome back! New international students may also register for their courses from 19 December; please read more about activation of your student account and registration as a new student without a Swedish personal identity number.
- 1-20 January: Apply for the Basic Swedish course if you are interested in learning Swedish (flexible part time courses).
- 20 January: the spring semester starts (and it runs until Thursday 5 June).
Housing, financing, and insurance
When you apply to Uppsala University it is important that you start thinking about the practical details of your time as an international student, for instance about financing and insurance.
The University does not own student accommodations. Instead, student housing is provided by a number of private companies in and around Visby and students are responsible for arranging it themselves.
A good option for new students is to rent a second-hand contract room or apartment. It is common for people in Visby to rent out a room in their house or apartment to students. Since ads for accommodation available from the start of the autumn semester are usually advertised during the summer, we would recommend starting your search for housing at the start of the summer. Read about housing on Gotland and in Visby.
Book your trip to Visby
You can travel to Gotland either by ferry or by air, and there are many departures every day. Read about travelling to and from Gotland.
Look for course litterature
Each course has its own course syllabus and a litterature list. Search for your course syllabus. You can also look for your programme syllabus. Can't you find the literature list, please contact the Study Administration's office at Campus Gotland. There are several ways to get the course literature. You can purchase literature through different websites, for instance Amazon UK. You can also compare the price of new books in the biggest online swedish bookshops by using the service The site is in Swedish only but is very useful. You can also borrow literature from the library (Almedalsbiblioteket) or buy used literature from the the students' own buy/sell/exchange group on Facebook.
Get the Campus card
Once you have been registered as a student, you need an access card, the so-called Campus Card. You must have it if you are going to use the printers (for copying and printing), the computer room or if you want to enter the Campus outside of business hours. Read about the Campus card.
Get access to the university wifi
Once you have become a student, you get access to the wireless network called eduroam. You can also reach eduroam at other universities, railway stations, airports, etc. Read more about eduroam.
Follow us on social media
Like or follow Campus Gotland på Facebook. Communicate with us and get news on Facebook. And/or follow Campus Gotland on Instagram. There is also a Facebook group for international students at Campus Gotland.

Learn Swedish!
We offer courses in Basic Swedish to incoming students who are enrolled in a study programme or individual courses at the University. The courses are for beginners and those with some prior knowledge of Swedish. The courses have pre-recorded lectures, combined with live practice sessions.
Students who are liable for fees can audit the courses free of charge, but will not be formally registered. Also, instead of credits they will receive a certificate of completion. If fee-paying students prefer credits, they can also choose to pay for the courses (11,250 SEK). The courses are free of charge for students that are not liable for tuition fees.
- More information about Basic Swedish 1 as well as syllabus with reading list
- More information about Basic Swedish 2 as well as syllabus with reading list
- More information about Basic Swedish 3 as well as syllabus with reading list.
Application for Basic Swedish
The online application for Basic Swedish 2 will be open 1-20 January 2025.
Students at Campus Gotland - spring 2025
To the start page 'Students at Campus Gotland - spring 2025' with more useful information about your studies at Campus Gotland this coming.