Summer Symposium at the Department of Business Studies

Campus Gotland sommar

Welcome to the Summer Symposium at the Department of Business Studies at Campus Gotland on 31 May!

At this event, students from the Bachelor’s programme in Business Studies and the Master's Programme in Sustainable Management at Campus Gotland will present the results of their BA and MA thesis projects to a wider public, and we are looking forward to welcoming students, faculty, families, and friends of Campus Gotland who are interested to join.

If you are a student who has not yet started your essay/degree project paper, this could be an opportunity for you to find inspiration.



  • The language for presentations of the students at the Bachelor's Programme in Business Studies will be Swedish.
  • The language for the presentations of the students at the Master's Programme in Sustainable Management will be English

Bachelor's Programme in Business Studies

8:30 Welcome to lecture halls E22, E31 and B24.

8:35-9.10 - Three parallel tracks (track A in E22, track B in E31 and track C in B24)

TRACK A in lecture hall E22

Title: Tillit och misstro inom e-handel: En kvalitativ studie om generation X och Z
Students: Lukas Bruhn & Max Algelin

Title: Elgigantens framgångsrecept
En kvalitativ studie om Elgigantens omställning till omnihandel
Students: Moa Vegholm & Eric Winbergh

Title: Organisationen som aldrig sover - En kvalitativ studie om sjuksköterskestudentens framtid
Students: Anna Ulfsson & Ellen Berggren

TRACK B in lecture hall E31

Title: Matsvinn inom livsmedelsbranschen - En kvalitativ studie om strategierna och styrmedlen bakom Stora Coop Visbys arbete i att minska butikens matsvinn
Students: Oscar Magnusson & Ellie Bylander

Title: Drivkraft för stridskraft - Försvaret av vårt land
Students: Jennifer Engström & Elina Malm

Title: Tik, Tok, Shoppa loss!: en kvalitativ studie angående TikTok och unga kvinnors köpvanor
Students: Leija Fellman och Linnéa Sjöström

TRACK C in lecture hall B24

Title: Artificiell intelligens - potentiell ersättare till redovisningsekonom inom kassaflödesanalys? En kvantitativ studie om hur artificiell intelligens påverkar aktörer inom redovisningsbranschen.
Students: Methawat Arnghiran & Shukrullah Afzali

Title: Leder Guldpeng till Guldpokal?
Students: Philip Wahlberg & Mattias Anstrin

Title: Extremdagar och Marknadsvolatilitet: En Analys av de Nordiska Finansmarknaderna
Students: Rinor Gashi & Michelle Fahlberg

09:25-10:00 - Three parallel tracks (track A in E22, track B in E31 and track C in B24)

TRACK A in lecture hall E22

Title: Ny Revolution Nya Möjligheter: En kvalitativ studie om hur reklambranschen påverkas av generativ AI
Student: Sleman Saif

Title: Den mörka sidan av marknadsföring
Students: Anton Hennessy & Leonard Kimby

Title: Generation Z:s prioriteringar vid val av arbetsplats
Students: Lisa Johdet Piwek & Lovisa Karlsson

TRACK B in lecture hall E31

Title: Informationssäkerhet i Svensk Sjukvård: En benchmark-analys utifrån NIST Cybersäkerhetsramverk
Students: Gustaf Ahlqvist & Angelo Lopez

Title: Rytm och relation - musikens tempo och igenkännandes effekter på konsumentbeteende
Students: Marcus Lindholm & Maya Johansson

Title: Digitaliseringens påverkan på revisorns roll och kompetens
Students: Amin Amin, Mikail Dalbudak & Bass Larsson

TRACK C in lecture hall B24

Title: Beslutsfattarens inflytande på företaget: En studie i sambandet mellan aktieinnehav och marknadsvärdet på
svenska företag
Students: Anders Jacobsson & Matthias Ulterman

Title: AI-Integration: Risker för Big-Four bolagen
Students: Levon Karapetyan, Nftalem Tesfai & Irena Ciric

Title: Ålderseffekten på risktolerans
Students: Dante Pettersson & William Marklund Borgström

10:15-11:00 - Three parallel tracks (track A in E22, track B in E31 and track C in B24)

TRACK A inlecture hall E22

Title: Hållbart hållbara?
Students: Hannah Blomé & Paula Cronier

Title: Rookies & Riktkurser: Hur beteendekonomiska biaser påverkar rookies användning av riktkurser
Students: Rahmat Husseini & Emilio Larsson

Title: Kvinnors nätverkande
Students: Sebastian Gast & Emma Ivarsen Johansson

Title: Att möta kundens förväntningar: Utmaningar i kundrelationsarbete med utgångspunkt i Expectation Disconfirmation Theory
Students: Agnes Glennow & Jonathan Öberg

TRACK B in lecture hall E31

Title: Hotellreceptionisters påverkan på kundlojalitet och återkommande gäster: En studie på hotell-receptionister från tre hotell i Stockholm
Students: Adrian Shoeibi & Kerem Kavas

Title: Toxiskt ledarskap på svenska företag - Påverkan på anställda & orsaker
Students: Fulk Hanqvist, Abdullrahman Mardini & Simon Muskos

Title: Digital Förtroendebyggnad: Apoteas strategier och effekterna på köpbeslut online
Students: Linnea Lundqvist & Sara Kitti

Title: Ledarskap och självkännedom - En studie om UGL:s påverkan på ledare
Students: André Benediktsson & Theodor Thomsson

TRACK C in lecture hall B24

Title: The S&P 500 and a Portuguese wine cellar, An econometric analysis on the volatility transmission from the S&P 500 to the Liv-ex Port 50
Students: Konrad Bäck & Ture Engström

Title: Styrning mot en hållbar leverantörskedja - En kvalitativ studie om fyra tillverkningsföretag
Students: Josefine Bäckström & Fanny Sidenborn

Title: Vad är det här för avtal egentligen?
Student: Kasper Piledahl

11:15 - 12:00 - Wrapping up in Almedalen or in lecture hall E22


  • Questions regarding the summer symposium: Dr Fredrik Sjöstrand
  • Questions regarding the Bachelor's programme in Business Studies: Dr Anna-Carin Nordvall

Abstracts and other details on the BA thesis projects in this pdf Pdf, 151 kB. (in Swedish).

Fredrik Sjöstrand

Fredrik Sjöstrand

Associate Professor

About the programme

Anna-Carin Nordvall

The Bachelor's Programme in Business Administration is a modern business education that gives you the tools to work with the challenges of developing a sustainable society.


Master's Programme in Sustainable Management

12:00 Welcome to lecture hall B51 with Jaan Grünberg, Matilda Dahl and Lovísa Eiríksdóttir.

Kl 12.10-13.00 - Moderator: Jaan Grünberg

Title: Fashion Forward: Balancing Profit and Purpose in Swedish Second-Hand Fashion Businesses
Students: Bronwen Baratt & Maria Nordin

Title: Heidelberg Materials Cement’s role in net-zero carbon emissions: the intricacies of social sustainability on the local community
Students: Robert Berglund & Julius van Beek

Title: Seeds of Ethics: Exploring the Principles of Organic Farming
Student: Tassilo Pieting

Title: Why Consumers Bias? Shanghai Consumer Intention Towards Remanufactured Electric Vehicle Batteries Adoption Resistance
Yiling Duan & Chenxi Li

Kl 13.00-13.40 - Moderator: Matilda Dahl

Title: Banking without Money: Rethinking Sharing Business Models - The Story of Fritidsbanken (Leisure bank), a Non-Profit Sharing Organisation
Students: Amanda Hörnberg & Zeng Xin

Title: Intrapreneurship in Action: Intrapreneurship & Its Influence on Sustainable Innovation – An In-depth Analysis of Visby’s Stora Coop on Gotland
Students: Carlotta Alby & Toms Oskars Gross

Title: The Notion of Sustainable Fashion: Sustainable Perspectives, Attitudes, and Knowledge within the Fashion Industry
Student: Emma Heikkilä

Title: The Urgency of Ethical Fashion: On Mindfulness and Minimalism
Student: Rachneet Kaur Randhawa

Title: Sustainable Plastic?: A Case Study on Site Zero, the Largest Plastic Packaging Waste Sorting Centre in Europe
Students: Sijing Li & Jian Pen

Kl 14.00-14.30 - Moderator: Lovísa Eiríksdóttir

Title: To be or not to be (emotional) - the “Iron Ladies” of Gotland. An exploratory case study on gender and identity construction in female politicians
Students: Daria Aliena Chorus & Ioanna Sidiropoulou

Title: What a waste! A case study on Gotland's packaging waste collection and perception on a new ordinance on responsibility
Students: Weiwei Wang & Thanyaphorn Nilasinthop

Title: Imagining beyond the (k)now – Creating a shared space for planting seeds of imagination
Students: Linnea Henriks & Inga Schleicher

Klockan 14.45-15.00 Wrapping up and closing words


  • Questions regarding the summer symposium: Dr Fredrik Sjöstrand
  • Questions regarding the Master's programme in Sustainable Management: Dr Matilda Dahl

Abstracts and other details on the MA thesis projects in this pdf Pdf, 184 kB..

Fredrik Sjöstrand

Fredrik Sjöstrand

Associate Professor

Matilda Dahl

Anna-Carin Nordvall

Associate Professor

About the programme

Anna-Carin Nordvall

The Master's Programme in Sustainable Management prepares you to work with sustainability in your future career.

Read more about the programme.

Student våren 2024

Study at Campus Gotland

At present, Uppsala University offers 20 Bachelor's-level programmes (first cycle), 13 Master’s-level programmes (second cycle), and about 300 standalone courses per academic year at Campus Gotland.

