Application and registration


Please note that even if you are a programme student, you must apply for your continuation courses.

To apply for the second, third and fourth term's courses, log in to Choose Uppsala University when logging in.

Forgot to enrol for a course in time? Our courses usually open for late enrolment. Make a late enrolment as soon as it opens. Late enrolments are handled in order of priority and we cannot guarantee a place if they do not apply in time. Please contact us if you have any questions.


Admitted students* can register in Ladok no earlier than two weeks before the start of the course.

*If you are an international student starting the Master's Programme in Mathematics, registration will only take place after a meeting with the programme's study counsellor, to which you will be invited after the introductory meeting.

If you have problems registering, it may be due to one of the reasons below. If you are still unsure why you cannot register, you should contact the study counsellors at the Department of Mathematics via email.

If you are admitted with conditions, you do not fulfil the prerequisites according to the course syllabus at the time of application. We will lift the conditions as soon as you fulfil the requirements for the course. Sometimes the course may start before you have received supplementary exam results, in which case you may be registered after the course has started.

Reserve admissions to our programmes in Mathematics are subject to availability of places. If we can offer you a place, you will be contacted by our study counsellors.

If you are studying on a programme in science and technology and meet the entry requirements for the course, you will always be admitted to our courses even if you make a late application.

If you are admitted to a programme and want to postpone the commencement of your studies, you can apply for deferral of studies. This means that you apply to begin your studies a later semester.

Uppsala University's information on deferment

If you have accepted your place but are no longer interested in it, it is important to let us know you won't be attending that course or programme.

  • If you are not yet registered, you should decline your offer on
  • If you have registered, you must make an early withdrawal in Ladok. If you are on a programme, you must notify the departmental study counsellor of the withdrawal. The deadline for early cancellation is three weeks after the start of the course, provided that you do not yet have any results registered for the course. If you make the cancellation after three weeks, you are not entitled to take the course at a later date. You cannot apply for the same course again. Please note that it is not enough to submit a cancellation on to make a withdrawal.
  • Never make a late cancellation (later than three weeks after the start of the course) unless you are sure that you never want to take the course again. You can always be re-registered for courses you have not completed.

Uppsala University's information on early cancellation

Uppsala University's information on Academic leave of absence and discontinuation

If you have not completed the course during the semester you were admitted, you can always re-register for the course. This will give you access to the latest course date in Studium. To be re-registered, send an email to

In the email, state your name and your personal identity number. Write the course name and course code in the subject line.

If you need to re-register for a degree project, you should first contact our study advisors.

