Influence, rules and rights
Student influence
As a student at Uppsala University, you have an important role in the quality work for your programme and the courses that you take. The most common and perhaps easiest way to contribute is to submit your answers to the course evaluation for the course you have studied. Make sure to answer all course evaluations, whether you were very satisfied with the course, in between or dissatisfied, so that the evaluations are as fair as possible.
Another way is to get involved as a student representative, then you are directly involved in preparing or influencing important decisions. According to the Higher Education Act, students have the right to be represented in all decision-making and preparatory bodies at various levels within the university where education and the situation of students are dealt with. Representation is of the utmost importance to ensure the students' perspective in the development of the university's programmes.
Both the department and the student union are happy to write individual certificates after completing their assignment. The certificate can then be used for future job applications, for example.
Student representation in the Department
The Department of Mathematics has student representatives in the following bodies and groups.
Mathematics students' study monitoring association
The Study Council NVM is part of the Study Section NVM and the Maths Students' Student Association.
Student positions within UTN
The core of UTN's activities is student monitoring, to ensure that the students' education and working environment are of a good standard. The basis of this work is that students are present in the various bodies of the university and raise the student perspective on issues.
See how you can get involved in UTN
Become a student representative
The board and student representatives for the section within UTN for the coming year are elected at the annual meeting for Studierådet NVM. That meetin is announced on the programme pages in Studium.
The positions to be elected at the meeting are:
- Board: Consists of a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary,
Treasurer and a regular member. - Auditor: Audits Studierådet NVMs operations.
- The Standing Committee on Student Welfare Affairs: Disscusses student
welfare. We got one representative who is also our safety officer. - The Standing Committee on International Affairs: Disscusses questions
regarding international students. We have one representative. - Nominating Comittee (UTN): Conducts interviews with candidates for
different positions within the student union UTN. We have one
representative. - Programme Board, Bachelors programme: Decides on matters regarding the
Bachelors programme in mathematics. We have two regular members and one
substitute member. - Programme Board, Master's programme: Decides on matters regarding the
Master's programme in mathematics. We have two regular members and one
substitute member. - Equal Opportunities Group: Promotes equal opportunities within the
Department of Mathematics. We have one ordinary member. - Deparment Board, Deparment of Mathematics: We have one regular member.
- Recruitment Comittee, Department of Mathematics: Is involved in
appointing new teaching staff. Attends lectures given by potential
candidates. We have one regular member.
If you have any questions about what a post entails, just
send an email to NVM and ask. Many of the positions are perfectly fine to apply even without previous involvement and can be a fun way to contribute to the section's study monitoring, which in the long run improves for students on our programmes.
Cheating and plagiarism
It is considered cheating if you use unauthorised aids during the exam or plagiarise material. Make sure you are up to date on what aids are allowed on the course exam. This information should be available on the course's Studium page and the teacher usually also gives verbal information about it. As a student, it is your responsibility to get information about what is allowed and what is not allowed, for example, during exams and when writing an essay. According to the legal text, it is sufficient that a student has attempted to cheat for disciplinary action to be taken
Information on cheating and plagiarism on the university's student pages
Equal opportunities and a good study environment
The Department of Mathematics shall be characterised by a good working environment for both staff and students. There is zero tolerance for harassment and offence. We have been working actively for many years on equal opportunities issues. For female students, there is a network during the study period, which works both with girls on the programme and with all students on issues relating to equal treatment and gender equality.
If you have been subjected to harassment or victimisation
- The head of department is responsible for investigating harassment and victimisation at the department. The head of department is responsible for stopping the harassment.
- The study counsellor has a duty of confidentiality. If you want to make a report, the study counsellor can support you in this.
- The department has an equal opportunities group led by an equal opportunities representative. The group includes an equal opportunities administrative assistant (student) and another student representative (see link below). These are also possible contact persons.
- You can also talk to, for example, a teacher, a programme coordinator or director of studies, or any other member of university staff you trust.
Read more about equal opportunities
Department of Mathematics Equal Opportunities Group
Equal opportunities at the Faculty of Science and Technology