Application instructions

Your application must be completed entirely in English. All the necessary links and document templates are gathered under the link list on the MFS home page.

Parts to be included in your application:

  1. Project Proposal
  2. Academic Purpose Statement
  3. Budget
  4. Approval by Department
  5. Certificate of registration
  6. Copy of your passport or permanent residence permit

1. Project Proposal

You write your project application in English. You may use up to 1500 words. Text that exceeds the word limit will not be considered. Add your list of references and any tables, images etc. as attachments. They do not count toward your maximum word count. Merge your project proposal and attachments into one PDF file which will be uploaded to your online application.

Focus on the research question and research methodology to demonstrate the feasibility of your project. Applicants who can link their projects to an ongoing research project at their department or departmental cooperation project will be given preference in the evaluation process. Please indicate if and how your application meets this criteria in your project proposal.

Your planned field study should relate to one of the Global Goals for Sustainable Development and the government's aid reform agenda.

Your proposal should clearly indicate

  • Your research question.
  • The academic relevance.
  • Relevant previous research in the field.
  • Your intended research methodology.
  • Detailed timeline for the entire project.
  • What are the visa requirements for the country you wish to visit during your
    field study? Is a research permit required and has that process been included in
    your timeline?
  • Please describe how you would go about changing your project plan if it
    needs revision while in the field. What are your alternatives and resources
    available? E.g. contact with academic supervisor, contact in the field, laboratory
    equipment, alternative interviewees, reconfiguration of survey material etc.
  • Ethical considerations. Is an ethical permit required?

2. Academic Puropse Statement (APS)

An Academic Purpose Statement is an opportunity for applicants to show that they have considered the broader meaning of doing an MFS for their own professional development.

In maximum 400 words explain how your choice of study, hosting country and the
experience of doing field research will help you prepare for your future. Your APS is written directly in a free text field in the online application in MoveON

3. Budget

The Minor Field Studies grant is 30 000 SEK. Please create on overview of major budget posts for your project in which you show what costs you are expecting to cover with the grant. Your budget overview is written directly in a free text field in the online application in MoveON

4. Approval by Department

In the link list on the MFS startpage, there is a form for Approval by department. This form must be signed by your academic supervisor at your department.

Your academic supervisor must sign to:

  • certify that they have undertaken to supervise you during the time you conduct your field study
  • certify that you have presented a project plan suitable for a course at Uppsala University that includes a thesis at either the bachelor's or master's level

5. Certificate of registration

In your application, you should include a certificate of registration from Ladok showing your registrations at Uppsala University for the current semester.

6. Copy of your passport or permanent residence permit

In your application, you should include a copy of one of the following options:

  • A copy of your Swedish passport
  • A copy of your passport from Finland, Norway, Denmark, or Iceland along with proof of when you registered as a resident in Sweden
  • A copy of your Permanent Residence Permit (PUT)

After the final application date has passed, the following will take place:

1. The Unit for International Mobility will check that the applications are complete and that applicants meet the entry requirements.
2. The MFS Committee at Uppsala University is responsible for academically assessing applications. To its help the MFS Committee has three reference groups, one each for scientific domain. In its assessment the committee considers the following:

  • the academic foundation of the project plan, its choice of method and overall quality
  • the feasibility of the application
  • budget
  • how well applicants understand how the MFS fits into their future plans

The MFS Committee decides on the final allocation and reserve list. All applicants are informed of the decision about two weeks after the final application data.

To facilitate simple management of the MFS grant, the Unit for International Mobility uses a web-based MFS portal where students can upload the necessary information and documentation. Students are given access to this portal once they are approved for the MFS grant.

In addition to the preparations necessary for the actual enrolment and other private preparations, students who receive an MFS grant need to conduct the following:

  1. Participate in a compulsory preparatory course in Uppsala. The course is currently sent out via e-mail and participation is done by answering a selection of course related questions.
  2. Sign a grant contract with the Unit for International Mobility.
  3. Contact the academic supervisor as soon as possible.
  4. Book transport to the MFS country and inform the Unit for International Mobility of the travel dates.


All students who are to attend a course where a component is held abroad are insured through Uppsala University and covered by Kammarkollegiet's Student UT insurance.

In some cases, additional insurance may need to be purchased, so be sureto keep yourself well informed about what is included in the insurance.

For assistance around the clock in the event of an emergency that cannot wait until the Kammarkollegiet switchboard is open: contact Falck Global Assistance at +46 8-587 717 49.

