Assignments, grades and feedback
There are many ways to find your assignments in a course. You can always find assignments in your to-do list on your personal dashboard or on the course homepage. You can also find assignments in your calendar if they have due dates. Depending on the course settings, you can also find assignments through Modules, Assignments, and Grades.
When you click on an assignment, you will be taken to the assignment page where you can submit it.
The instructions on this page show the most common types of assignments found in Studium. Be sure to carefully read the teacher's instructions in case they want you to take additional steps when submitting.
Submit an assignment
The assignment page
At the top of the assignment page, you will see the assignment title, due date, and where you are in the submission process. Under Details, you will find instructions written by your teacher and any course materials they have uploaded.
Click the Add Comment button to open a tab where you can write comments to your teachers. When you receive feedback on the assignment, it will appear in this tab.

Example of an assignment page in Studium.
Upload a file submission
Further down on the assignment page you will find different options for submitting your assignment. The instructions below explain how to upload a file (such as a Word document):
- Choose a submission type: Upload.
- Click Choose a file to upload.
- This will open your computer files. Find the file/files you wish to upload and select it. Once the file has finished uploading, you will see a green checkmark to the right of it.
- Last step is to click the Submit assignment button.

If Submit assignment is greyed out...
Sometimes assignments are checked for plagiarism. In this case, you must first confirm that the files are your own before submitting. Scroll to the bottom of the page and check the box "I hereby declare that this is my own work. I understand that the document will be checked for plagiarism with Ouriginal."
Submit as a group
Anyone of your group members can submit the assignment; we recommend that you choose one person in the group to do so.
After the submission is made, all group members will be able to view the submission on the assignment page.
Submit a video assignment
Canvas Studio
Regardless if you are to submitting a video in a regular submission assignment or in a discussion forum, you will use Canvas Studio for managing your videos.
Canvas Studio is a personal video library in Studium where you can both record and upload videos. If you have never used Canvas Studio before, see the guide: Record and upload videos
How to submit a video in a submission assignment
- Similar to a regular submission, you'll begin by opening the assignment page.
- Scroll down and click Canvas Studio.
- If you have not yet uploaded your video to Studio, click on Upload to do so now. Once it is finished uploading, click on the video you wish to submit.
- Uncheck "Display Media Tabs" unless your teacher has instructed you to activate it.
- Click on Embed.
- Once the video has finished embedding, finally click on Submit assignment.
How to embed a video in a discussion forum
If your teacher has instructed you to share your video in a discussion, follow the steps below:
- Begin by opening the discussion and click on Reply under the main topic. (Guide: Discussions)
- Above the textbox, click on Tools > Apps > View all.
- Next click Canvas Studio.
- If you have not yet uploaded your video to Studio, click on Upload to do so now. Once it is finished uploading, click on the video you wish to submit.
- Uncheck "Display Media Tabs" unless your teacher has instructed you to activate it.
- Click on Embed.
- Once the video has finished embedding, you can Reply.
Peer reviews
Begin by submitting your assignment
The first step in a peer review assignment is to submit your task for review. This works the same way as a regular submission. Be sure to carefully read the teacher’s instructions, as there may be specific deadlines for submission and for completing the review.
After submission
The teacher controls when the peer review tasks are assigned. This can happen immediately after submission or at a specific date and time.
You will find the tasks you need to review under the assignment name in both Modules and Assignments. In the example below, we show how it looks like once you've been assigned a peer review task.

Click on the required peer review to view the submitted text. For the peer review task to be marked as complete by the system, you must submit at least one comment.
You can attach a file to your comment if your peer review is written outside of Studium.
Above the text itself, there are tools for annotating and highlighting the text. Please note that you still need to submit a comment for the system to count the task as complete, even if you have worked directly in the text. (If the peer review is done anonymously, the tools for highlighting and annotating are not available.)

How do I view my received comments?
Just like in a regular submission, you will find all comments on the assignment page. Click the Add Comment button to expand the panel with the feedback you have received. Scroll down to your submitted text to see received annotations.
If your teacher has enabled it, you will find a link to course discussions via the course menu. Otherwise, you can access discussions through the Modules page.
This guide will cover how to reply to a discussion thread. If you are interested in more detailed information about filtering, unread messages and subscribing to threads, we recommend checking out Instructure's guides on discussions.
Reply to the main discussion
Begin by clicking on the title of the discussion you wish to open.
At the top of the discussion you'll find the discussion topic. This is where your teacher will leave instructions or questions that they wish for you to discuss with your peers.
To reply to the main discussion, click the Reply button under the topic/ instructions.

This will open a textbox for you to write your reply. Here, you can also attach files and share videos/images. To post your reply, click the Reply button.
Respond to a discussion reply
You will find discussion replies under the instructions. Sometimes it is required for you to reply to the main discussion before posted replies become visible.
If you wish to respond to someones post, click the Reply button under it. Once again you will have the option to write your response and attach files. Click Reply to post your response.

Anonymous discussions
There is a second type of course discussion where all responses are anonymized. Anonymous discussions will have a message at the top that reads: "This is an anonymous Discussion. Student names and profile pictures are hidden."
When you reply to an anonymous discussion, your profile image and name will be anonymized. Your own replies will be marked as "(You)" which only you can see.

Grades and feedback
How to view your grades in Studium and how find your received feedback:
Click on the Grades in the course menu to view all assignments in the course and their grades. Note that this page only shows the grades that your teacher has given in Studium. You will see the final course grades set by the examiner in Ladok.
Available information in Grades:
- Assignment title
- Due date
- Whether you have submitted yet
- Status (shows if the assignment is late, missing or excused)
- Points and grade
What do the points mean?
Your teachers use points to calculate grades. The points in Studium are not the same as university credits in Ladok.
The number of points can vary from assignment to assignment. Here are some examples:
- In a submission assignment, a passing grade may be worth 1 point and a failing grade 0 points.
- In a quiz with a maximum of 30 points, the passing threshold could be, e.g. 20 points.
Why am I missing a grade on an assignment?
If you see a crossed-out eye icon instead of a grade, it means the teacher is still grading the assignment. This will be updated once the teacher has published the assignment results.
Feedback can be in the form of comments or annotations in a submitted document. You can find your received feedback on the assignment page. It is only when the teacher has published the assignment's grades that the feedback becomes visible to you.
Depending on your notification settings, you'll receive an email once your feedback has been published. You can also find a direct link to your feedback on the course Home page.
Comments and attached files
On the assignment page, there is a button labeled "Add comment." Click on it to read the teacher's comments for that submission.
Annotations in the submission
On the assignment page, scroll down to your submitted text. Here you can see if the teacher has highlighted the text, written a comment, or added notes within the text.
Feedback on multiple submission attempts
At the top of the assignment page, you can navigate to your different submission attempts to read the feedback related to each one.
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