Group work

In a course in Studium, your teacher may assign you to a group or create groups for you to choose from. These groups can be linked to assignments and discussions where you are expected to participate as a group.

Each group has its own page within the course for collaboration, where you can create discussions, post announcements, and share files.

Fyra studenter jobbar i en grupp runt ett bord


The group functionality in Studium is not available in the Canvas Student app. Therefore, we recommend using either your mobile browser or a computer for group collaboration in the course.

On the course home page

When you open a course in Studium, you will land on the course's homepage. On larger screens, you can see your personal course groups on the right hand side.

In the mobile browser, you will find the course's groups at the bottom of the homepage.

Kurs startsida i Studium. Kursgrupper markerade med röd ruta.

People - Groups tab

Here's how to find all groups in a course:

  1. Click on People in the course menu.
  2. Click on the Groups tab.
  3. All groups in the course are listed here. If you want to search for a specific group, you can do so in the search bar at the top of the page. This is also where you can join selectable groups.
Grupper fliken i en kurs i Studium

In the global menu

Here's how to find all your groups across all your courses in Studium:

  1. In the global menu to the left, you will find the Groups button. Click on it to see a complete list of all your groups in Studium.
  2. Click on All Groups at the top of the list to open a more detailed page with information about which courses the groups belong to.
Lista med alla grupper i samtliga kurser i Studium

If your teacher has created groups with self-enrolment, you must actively choose to join a group.

You can find the groups via People in the course menu:

  1. Click on the Groups tab.
  2. Find the group you want to join and then click Join.
Grupper fliken i en kurs i Studium

Group home page

Each group has its own group page for collaboration. Find your group and click on it to open the group’s home page.

Only group members and the course teachers have access to the group’s page.

The group home page resembles the regular course page.
You have a menu on the left where you can navigate through the different group page features.

Click on Files in the menu to the left. Here you will see files that the group members (or the teacher) have uploaded. In this view, you can create folders and upload files from your computer.

How to create a new folder:

  1. Click on the +Folder button.
  2. Name the folder.
  3. Click the checkmark icon to save it.
  4. Click on the newly created folder to open it.

How to upload files:

  1. Click on the Upload button and select the file from your computer.
  2. You can delete the file by clicking the three dots to the right of it and selecting Delete.
Filer i en gruppsida i Studium

You can create pages for group collaboration. Examples of how pages can be used:

  • Collect meeting notes
  • Write down dates when you plan to meet
  • Post links to study materials, information, etc.

How to create a page:

  1. Click on Pages in the menu to the left.
  2. Click on the +Page button on the right.
  3. Name the page and add content.
  4. When you're finished, click Save.

Announcements can be used to quickly notify group members of important information such as changed meeting times or locations.

How to create an announcement:

  1. Click on Announcements in the menu to the left.
  2. Click on the +Announcement button to the right.
  3. Enter a title and write your content.
  4. When you're done, click Publish.

Please note that publishing an announcement sends a notification to the group members and all teachers in the course. Therefore, use announcements sparingly.

Alternative ways to communicate with your group members: create a group conversation in the Inbox, create a page or create a discussion.

To create a group discussion, follow the instructions below:

  1. Click on Discussions in the menu to the left.
  2. Click on the +Discussion button to the right.
  3. Enter the discussion topic in the first field. Write your content in the larger text box.
  4. When you're done, click Save and Publish.


  • IT Support
  • 018-471 44 00
  • Telephone hours are weekdays 8:00–16:30.
  • To help you as quickly as possible, we kindly ask you to avoid sending multiple emails about the same issue. If you have submitted a case to us, you can rest assured that it is registered and will be handled as soon as possible. If you need to provide additional information, please reply to the automatic confirmation email you received when your case was registered.

