Your profile in Studium

As a student, you have various personal tools that you can access outside of your courses. For example, your settings; you can set up which notifications you want to receive and select your preferred language in Studium. You also have tools like the Inbox and Calendar, which are personal to you and your studies.

Set your preferred language

  1. In the global menu to the left in Studium, click on Account (Konto).
  2. Then click on Settings (Inställningar).
  3. Click the Edit Settings (Redigera Inställningar) button.
  4. Choose your preferred language (Språk).
  5. Then click Update Settings (Uppdatera inställningar).

The language will be updated once you return to the Dashboard. Sometimes courses have a default language, Studium will change to this language when you open that specific course.

This video walks you through the steps above:

Add an email

  1. In the global menu to the left in Studium, click on Account.
  2. Then click on Settings.
  3. Click on +Email Address on the far right.
  4. Enter your email address and click Register Email.

This added email will create a new column in Notifications where you can control which notifications you receive from Studium to that email.

Account settings in Studium. Arrows pointing to +Email address and the Edit settings button

Manage your notifications

  1. In the global menu to the left in Studium, click on Account.
  2. Then click on Notifications.
  3. On this page, you’ll see your email address and a column with different notification settings. (If you have the Canvas Student app installed, you'll also see that as a column.)
  4. To the left, you’ll see the different notifications that come from the system. Hover over each one for more information about the notification type.
  5. In the columns, there are icons. Click on the icon to change the notification frequency.

Above the the list, there is a drop-down menu. By default, Account will be selected. Notification settings that you change on Account level will effect all notifications from the system. Open the drop-down menu if you want to manage notifications for a specific course.

Notification settings in Studium. Arrow pointing to the drop-down menu. Arrow pointing to an icon.

The calendar in Studium shows all dated activities in your courses, such as assignments and quizzes. You can also find bookable appointments (meetings) in the calendar that your teacher has set up. Click the Calendar button in the global menu to open your personal calendar.

Please note that the calendar does not reflect the schedule you see in TimeEdit and only shows the activities created in Studium.

Bookable times

If your teacher has set up bookable times in the calendar, you must first click the Find Appointments button to display them.

Notice: You are not able to book times in the Canvas Student app. Instead use a computer or your mobile web browser.

Button that reads "Find Appointment"

Click on the time you are interested in. A small window will open with information such as the location, time and date, and any instructions your teacher may have written. Click Reserve to book a time.

Reserve a meeting time button

In Studium, you can contact your teachers and other students via the Inbox. Click the Inbox button in the global menu to open the messaging tool.

Please note that the Inbox is not your student email. It is an internal tool exclusive to Studium. You can use it to send messages and create group conversations with people in your ongoing courses.

Skärmbild av Studium Inkorgen

Exempel på hur inkorgen kan se ut för dig som är student.

Send a new message

You can create a new conversation by clicking on the Compose button at the top of the page. A window will open.

  1. The first step is to select the course that the people you want to contact are part of.
  2. In the "To" field, you can search for the people you want to message.
  3. In the next field, fill in the subject of the conversation.
  4. In the large field, write your message.
  5. Below the message box, you can choose to attach a file.
  6. The last step is to click Send.

You can find your sent messages via the Inbox dropdown menu at the top of the inbox. Select Sent.

If you want to send the same message to multiple individuals without creating a group conversation, check the box Send an individual message to each recipient.

Skärmbild på fönstret där man skapar meddelanden.

Reply to a conversation

On the left, you can click on a conversation to open it. It will open on the right.

In the conversation thread, you’ll see the different messages that have been sent. The person who sent the message is displayed with a bold name, and the people they sent the message to are shown to the right of their name.

If you want to send a message to everyone in the conversation, click the button with two arrows. You’ll find it at the top of the conversation,.

Receive messages to your student email

By default, you receive notifications to your student email when someone sends you a message in Studium.

You can reply to the message through the notification, but there are some things to keep in mind:

  • Attached files – Attached files can only be sent in the Inbox. Attached files will be dropped if you are replying to a notification via your email.
  • Adding a recipient – You cannot CC additional recipients if you reply to the notification via your email. Instead, open the Inbox in Studium and add the person to the conversation from there. You can do this when replying or creating a new message.
  • Reply to an individual – When you reply to a message notification, your reply is sent to everyone in the conversation thread. If you only want to reply to the specific person who sent the message, you must do so in the Inbox in Studium instead.


  • IT Support
  • 018-471 44 00
  • Telephone hours are weekdays 8:00–16:30.
  • To help you as quickly as possible, we kindly ask you to avoid sending multiple emails about the same issue. If you have submitted a case to us, you can rest assured that it is registered and will be handled as soon as possible. If you need to provide additional information, please reply to the automatic confirmation email you received when your case was registered.

