Groups and lectures
Throughout the academic year, we at the Student Health Service offer lectures, theme seminars and different types of groups for you as a student. Please have a look through our calendar to see all events, as not all are presented below.
Student groups
Groups are given in Uppsala, in Visby or online. Read more information in our calendar.
Do it now!
Do you have trouble organising your studies, a hard time getting started, or a tendency to put off tasks? If so, then the Do It Now! group is for you.
Do it now! is given on Tuesdays. The first opportunity is on 29 January, and the last opportunity is on 9 April.
Headlamp Trailrun
We run together for a turn in Stadskogen at a leisurely pace, with headlamps. We will continue trail running without headlamps when the season gets light enough.
No sign up necessary.
Trail running
We run together for a turn in Stadskogen at a leisurely pace. During the darker months, we will run with headlamps.
No sign up necessary.
Dare to speak: a workshop for public speaking anxiety
In this workshop, we will explain what happens in the body and mind when pressure to perform strikes, and give you some strategies to cope.
No sign up necessary.
More about the event and all dates: Dare to speak: a workshop for public speaking anxiety
Train with the Student Health Service and Campus1477
On Wednesdays you are welcome to try out different kind of group training together with the Student Health Service and Campus1477.
No sign up necessary.
More about the event and all dates: Train with the Student Health Service and Campus1477
Lunch walks
Join us for a lunch walk! We will walk for about 20 minutes and you will get the opportunity to meet other students while getting exercise, daylight and fresh air.
No sign up necessary.
Table tennis
No registration, come as you are, students and staff are welcome! We meet every Wednesday and Friday.
No sign up necessary.
Do it now!
Do you have trouble organising your studies, a hard time getting started, or a tendency to put off tasks? If so, then the Do It Now! group is for you.
No sign up necessary.
More about the event and all dates: Do it now! - Campus Gotland
Dance for health
On six occasions this spring, the Student Health Service and Region Gotland invite you to ‘Dance for Health’. All students at Uppsala University are welcome.
To secure a place you need to sign up, but it is also possible to drop in if space is available.
Lectures and seminars
Welcome to participate in our lectures and seminars! Some events require registration, others are free to attend. Read more about each event by searching for it in the calendar.