Social Work Programme

210 credits

Programme syllabus, SOC1Y

A revised version of the programme syllabus is available.
Finalised by
The Faculty Board of Social Sciences, 11 December 2012
Registration number
SAMFAK 2012/145, Doss 3:1:1
Responsible faculty
Faculty of Social Sciences
Responsible department
Department of Social Work
Other participating department(s)
Department of Education, Department of Government, Department of Law, Department of Medical Sciences, Department of Psychology, Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences, Department of Women's and Children's Health

Decisions and guidelines

Programme Declaration

Guidelines from the International Social Workers' Federation (IFSW) as well as from the International Association of Colleges of Social Work (IASSW) emphasise the importance of knowledge of human behaviour and its relation to social context. The starting point is the interaction between the individual and his environment in a lifetime perspective, ie, that the individual's development and behaviour is shaped over time by the interaction of biological and psychological factors and by different socio-cultural factors.

The Social Work Programme must consistently convey knowledge and understanding of how class, ethnicity, gender, age, functional ability, sexual orientation, gender identity and religion affect equal rights, equal treatment and discrimination, and how power and inequality are formed in the intersections between.

Entry requirements

General entry requirements and Mathematics 2a/2b/2c, Social Studies 1b/1a1+1a2 or Mathematics B, Civics A

Learning outcomes

Goal for education at the undergraduate and graduate level

The first cycle of education will essentially build on the knowledge gained in the national program in upper secondary school or the equivalent and are described in Chapter 1. 8 § the Higher Education Act. Second cycle education shall essentially build on the knowledge that students acquire in the first cycle education or equivalent and are described in Chapter 1. 9 § the Higher Education Act.

Goals for a degree of Social Work degree (in addition to the general goals of Chapter 1, § § 8-9 the Higher Education Act)

For a degree of Social Work degree, the student shall demonstrate the knowledge and skills needed for independent social work at the individual, group and society level.

Goald as expected outcomes

Knowledge and understanding

After completion of studies on the programme, the student shall

• demonstrate knowledge of the scientific basis and knowledge of current research and development work;

• demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the interplay between individuals and groups in the social situation, living conditions, physical and mental health and functional ability in relation to social and other underlying factors,

• demonstrate knowledge of the management of social work, and

• demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the needs of children and the elderly and of the social and family conditions that affect women's and men's living conditions through the life course.

Skills and abilities

After completion of studies on the programme, the student shall

• demonstrate the skills and abilities necessary to develop and implement social work at various levels of society, in cooperation with the people concerned,

• demonstrate the ability to apply relevant legislation, in particular in the social field,

• demonstrate the ability to understand, investigate and analyse social processes and problems, and

• demonstrate the ability to identify, organise, investigate and evaluate interventions at individual, group and society level.

Judgement and approach

After completion of studies on the programme, the student shall

• demonstrate self-awareness and empathy,

• demonstrate a capacity to a holistic approach in judging the proper actions to take based on relevant scientific, social and ethical aspects, with particular regard to human rights,

• demonstrate the ability for professional conduct and attitudes,

• demonstrate an understanding of the importance of teamwork and collaboration with other professionals, and

• demonstrate the ability to identify their need of further knowledge and to continuously upgrade their skills.

Layout of the programme


During semesters 1-3 the student will be given a basic knowledge in the subject of social work, sociology, law and psychology. During semesters 4-6 knowledge will be deepened in social work and during semester 7 knowledge will be deepened in selected areas.

After completing the first three semesters, students will have acquired basic knowledge of social work and social work practice. The student will have knowledge and understanding of the significance of different human living conditions, the needs of children and elderly, of different social conditions and the Declaration of Human Rights. The student will also have acquired knowledge of social policy, social science theory, law and relevant legislation in the social field, and will have a basic knowledge of the theory of science and scientific method. Skills and abilities are trained in both juridical as well as a scientific method including evaluation.

After completing the specialisation courses, students will have deepened their knowledge from the basic courses. Students will have knowledge of the profession and social work conditions and will have practiced the skills and abilities required to implement and develop a professional social work. The student will also have completed an essay.

After the 7th semester, with courses at the advanced level, students are expected to have deepened their knowledge in selected areas. The student should have proved to be able to apply the knowledge, skills and attitudes acquired during the education and will have tools and the ability to analyse the consequences of social action and social interventions.


The first six semesters are at the undergraduate level. It begins during semester 1 with courses about the social work theory, development and profession. The follows a basic course about social conditions and social problems in which students learn to understand, interpret and examine social problems. Semester 2 contain courses in social work law. During semester 3 students are trained in interviewing methodology and communication, are studying psychology in a lifetime perspective and deepen their knowledge of social conditions and social problems through analysis and discussion. Semester 4 contains a course in social policy and social work, and a course in social work practice. Semester 5 is clinical, where the student under supervision have the opportunity to test and develop their ability to integrate theory and practice in working with people. Semester 6 is contains courses in research and evaluation methodology preparing for the essay that concludes the courses at undergraduate level. During semester 7, students can choose among a number of courses at the graduate level.

Throughout the programme, the students will have the opportunity to develop their professional role and their personal qualities through discussion and reflection in the course Personal and Professional Development.


(Course title, Credits, Responsible Department, Main Field)

Semester 1

Social Work: Theory, Development and Profession, 14 credits, Department of Sociology, Social Work

Social Conditions and Social Problems I, 14 credits, Department of Sociology, Sociology

Personal and Professional Development, 2 credits, Department of Sociology, Social Work

Semester 2

The Social Work Law, 28 credits, Department of Law, Law

Personal and Professional Development, 2 credits, Department of Sociology, Social Work

Semester 3

Interpersonal communication, 7.5 credits, Department of Education, Education

Psychological Perspectives, 7.5 credits, Department of Psychology, Psychology

Social Conditions and Social Problems II, 13 credits, Department of Sociology, Social Work and Sociology

Personal and Professional Development, 2 credits, Department of Sociology, Social Work

Semester 4

Social Policy and Social Work, 14 credits, Department of Sociology, Social Work and Sociology

Methods of Social Work, 14 credits, Department of Sociology, Social Work

Personal and Professional Development, 2 credits, Department of Sociology, Social Work

Semester 5

Supervised Practical Work, 28 credits, Department of Sociology, Social Work

Personal and Professional Development, 2 credits, Department of Sociology, Social Work

Semester 6

Research Methods and Evaluation Methods, 15 credits, Sociology, Social Work and Sociology

Degree Project in Social Work, 15 credits, Department of Sociology, Social Work

Semester 7

Management and Evaluation in Social Work 10 credits, Department of Sociology, Social Work

Addictions, 10 credits, Department of Sociology, Social Work

Children and Youth, 10 credits, Department of Sociology, Social Work

Disabled People, 10 credits, Department of Sociology, Social Work

Social Perspectives on Elderly and Aging, 10 credits, Department of Sociology, Social Work


The main field of study is Social Work.

Progression in the programme is achieved by the gradually increased difficulty and by the greater autonomy in the student’s knowledge acquisition.

During the programme the students are involved in a course where, with support from teachers and senior students and in meetings with representatives of practice, they continuously reflect on their own personal development, learning process and the future of the profession in relation to the various courses. The purpose is to reach a depth of capacity for self-reflection, empathy, professional identity and the ability to reflect on their professional role.

Knowledge breadth is achieved by the various core areas of social work, such as sociology, law, political science, psychology, education and social policy, as well as subjects in the medical faculty on the first cycle of the programme. Some of these subjects appear also at the advanced level to provide additional in-depth knowledge.


Completed programme will give a Degree of Bachelor of Science in Social Work, 210 credits.

Other regulations

This syllabus is valid for those who are admitted to the programme from autumn 2013.

